MovieChat Forums > Fright Night Part 2 (1989) Discussion > Is it male or female!?!?!?!?

Is it male or female!?!?!?!?

For 100 minutes roughly of the film I was pondering this question of one of Regine's henchmen (or henchwomen) "Is it male or female?". It bothered me so much that I had to come to this site for the answer. The character is Belle played by Russell Clark, so the answer is Male. I was just wondering if anyone else had this problem throughout the film.


This thread actually cracked me up, I wondered the EXACT thing!

"No hay banda! There is no band. It is all an illusion..."


Well I thought that too and then realised it was a man but obviously it was a transvestite vampire or a transgender vampire bitten at that time so stayed the same lol


Same exact reason brought me here!! LOL

Meat's meat, and man's gotta eat!!



when we were kids we wondered if she was a woman or a man too lol i at first thought it was perhaps a very unattractive masculine woman, but its a dude. see the 80's was an era where it was stylish for men to wear makeup and nail polish and poofy hair was hip, also fish net clothing, studs, punk pants etc... lol yeah she didn't speak a word throughout the entire film... i mean he


No I never had any doubt that it was a guy. yo could tell in the face it was a guy.
I never thought otherwise.

All of you guys saying it was a woman... What's next? are you going to ask if the band members of poison were women too? This was the 80s fellas...


I always thought he looked like Cat from from Red Dwarf (and only tonight do I find out it was not). Regardless, he was obviously a guy.

As you implied, makeup was popular for men and women amongst hair metal, gothic rock, new wave, and some punk bands, and their followers, it never made them look like women....visual kei, however, is another story.


I just dont and have never known either ...

Manly looking girl or girly looking man ....Belle is a female name ..Russell clark is obviously male

At one stage we see Belle and Regine with Charlie Brewsters friend Richie in what looks like the early stages of some sort of threesome.

and we know Richie is not into Guys ...."Its the Wrong thing to do Brewster"


I thought it was a female, but then a friend in HS said it was a male in drag . . . I've been confused on it ever sense.

