This is the only film starring Van Damme I'll probably watch again (maybe also Universal Soldier).
The atmosphere is amazing. The slow motion action reminds me of being chased in a dream by something scary and you can't get away fast enough. The score is haunting and dreamlike and Fender is just an awesome bad guy.
Maybe seeing it as a kid added to the feeling of fear and dread but I still love to watch it all these years later.
(Plus it has the best use of splits used in a film)
I love the post-apocalyptic eerieness of the atmosphere, it's brilliantly done. The dialogue is brief and Van Damme gives his usual taciturn, sensitive performance. I watched this when I was a teenager and it's always stayed with me as a very unique action film that should have got better reviews than it did.
For a small budget, the production values was great. They really did well making it look like an apocalypse had chewed up earth and regurgitated it. The fights were good and Fender was just creepy.
For a small budget, the production values was great. They really did well making it look like an apocalypse had chewed up earth and regurgitated it. The fights were good and Fender was just creepy.
Although the official, stated budget of this movie was somewhere in the $500,000 range (including Jean-Claude Van Damme's salary), over $2 million had actually been spent on all of the sets and costumes back when it was still a Masters of the Universe sequel, prior to it changing into a standalone post-apocalyptic storyline. So what we see onscreen is representative of around $2.5 million spent, which is a pretty decent chunk of change for 1988-89.
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I'm with you tankgirl. Good stuff here. I saw this years ago and it always stayed with me. I think it tends to move at a good pace to be honest. I bought it on DVD and always watch it once a month. It's a fun movie and they made the most of the low budget. Fender is decidedly ruthless and I do like how he just murders everyone instead of the old cliche of "Murder the men and rape the women". They threw me a curve ball when they raid that town to get the boat and murder everyone and Fender grabs that young blonde and says, "Look what I caught!" I thought it was gonna be typical "bad man" stuff where he throws her to his henchmen to rape, but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised (not in a good way, mind you!) when he just grabs her in a headlock and slits her throat and drops the body. My first thought was, "wow - that's different. They don't do that to women often in movies!" I think there's lots of fun little twists throughout this whole movie if you pay attention.
I also got a kick out of how he fought to rescue Pearl and then she tells him flat out, "I'm not going to Atlanta with you - you're not strong enough." Wow! I didn't see that one coming! All that fighting for nothing.
Still good fun.
"...For every man who has ever lived, in this universe, there shines a star." -Arthur C. Clarke
I remember I saw it when I was a little girl (I think 8 or 9) on TV when they would show all these eighties and nineties action films and I was soooooo hooked.
I really find it visually stunning the mood is dark and dreary and the action is great.
Very good. I actually miss movies like this.
"We need boys so they can grow up, get married and turn into shadows"
I love this film as well. I think the fact that most of Van Damme's films are crap is why this one has a 4.5 rating. It is definitely better than that rating. I'll watch any movie that is post apocalyptic. Plus this one has a good score, the fight scenes are well choreographed, and all the pirates just look cool. The one thing I couldn't understand is why Fender didn't want the cure to be made. I understand he liked death, and he loved this world but wouldn't he at least want the cure for himself and his men? Oh well I'm thinking too hard for this film. I'll just go back to liking it for what it is. A fun action flick.
As soon as this came out on video I recorded it and watched it over and over for years along with every other action flick of that time I could find. The best kill was in the sewer and he's doing the splits and you see him open his arms up with the knife and there's the beast fellow underneath him. I remember watching the fight scene at the parking deck quite a few times. All around I watched this one quite a bit a a young man.
I hated this movie as a kid but I love it now and it may be my favorite Van Damme movie. The setting is great & the fights were top notch. The battle in that abandoned area, the escape through the sewers (which had a very classic scene in it), the chase through the savannah & the ensuing beating Van Damme gets is non stop sexcellence.
I like this one too. Just like everyone else, i think the setting and atmosphere to this movie are awesome. A really cool feel. Bloodsport is still my favorite Van Damme movie though.
Oh yeah, Blood Sport is great too. That's the first Van Damme movie I ever saw. They played it a lot on TV back in the late 80s early 90s. I only just got the DVD late last year. What took me so long? Ha ha...
Yes, loved it as a kid. I wanted to grow up to be just like the dreadlocked guy, and wear that chain armor. I did say that I would brush my teeth though, and wipe the dirt off of my sunglasses every 5 years or so...
Yup. I love this flick. The atmosphere and tone of the film are intense. And those abandoned factories made it all so surreal. I'm suprised it hasn't become something of a cult classic.
Again, the score and the atmosphere of this movie make it so compelling. Along with Van Damme's portrayal. I really think this film shows JCVD's depth because it's almost like a silent performance but his emotions range all over the place. And the whole sequence from the abandoned building to the sewer to the swamp and finally up to the crucifixion scene is riveting. And that crucifixion scene is haunting and so powerful. Incredibly intense.
Man it's so cool to read comments from people who appreciate this film like myself. Cyborg is one of my all time favorites. And yeah I was a Van Damme head as a youngster, but I always separated this joint from his others. Many have used the word atmosphere to describe this film, and it's certainly appropriate because it just had that ill indy feel that his other movies didn't seem to match in my opinion. Here is an example of howa low budget can work in a film's favor in terms presentation. (not revenue of course lol). I suspect the raw, basic nature of Cyborg screamed B-Movie Blah to most simpletons, but to me it made the story more believable. Tell me it wasn't intense/scary when they enter the Wasteland and come up on the abandoned factory! How about the whole chase/fight sequence up to the crucifixition? Like wantutosigh mentioned that ish stays with you.
The characters were really good. They had a couple super legit guys in real life as apart of the pirates like Blaise Loong. That was one ruthless group of baddies led by Fender. I remember being so interested in them as a kid during the scene where they are all chilling in the boat at sea, grinding their weapons and what not..I wanted to see more of them. You get the feeling they could have done an offshoot film with just the pirates doing boys in!
The fighting was execeptional. They had to shoot many of those scenes once and it came off cool and believable. Unfortunately it was little too real for Jackson "Rock" Pickney, who lost one of his eyes when Van Damme carelessly swiped at his face before the last fight sequence. But he was able to get a large sum of money for that accident.
And finally, like others I must mention the brilliant score. Kevin Bassinson knocked it out of the ballpark with the music to this film. It just seemed to match the hopeless post-apocalyptic theme so perfectly. I have the original Silva CD, whenever I listen it brings back childhood memories. My favorite cues are the 'Main Title/Knife to Meet You', 'Road to Charleston', and 'Pearl Gets a Brain'. I like it so much that i've even uploaded to my xbox and played games to it.
Cyborg just had all the elements to create a perfect storm of an underground classic. I'm sure some can watch this now for the first time and like it, but I think to truly appreciate it you would've had to have viewed it back in the 80's, and like in my case a kid..I don't even think of Cyborg as a "Van Damme Movie", I look at as a really good indy action film.
Seems like post apocalyptic movies are having a revival these days.. Cyborg is definitely one of the classics one should refer to or revisit to see the real deal!
I also love this movie and was lucky to see it when I was a kid. It had a lot of atmosphere that a lot of 80's films seem to carry. I agree the fighting was especially top notch, the factory and crucifixtion chase being my favs.
There are a lot of hidden gems like this movie from the 80's that go under the radar. Many people just dismiss it because they think Van-Damme is corny or because it's low budget etc
Absolutely. This was and still is my favorite JCVD film for its fighting sequences, which I think are the best he's ever done. The scene in the abandoned hotel or multi-story building was epic. The only other movie that is its equal in regards to fight scenes is Lionheart.
After Bloodsport, this is my favorite JCVD movie. It scared the sh!t out of me when I was younger, especially the chase scene. The movie still gives me an eerie feeling when I watch it today. Fender was one of the creepiest bad guys ever and the final fight in the rain is pure badass.
This movie was awesome when it first came out, young people now a days talk bad about this movie and give it low scores, i mean this movie was made in 1989 that's like 20 years ago u can't compare movies back then with movies now, with good CGI and budgets.
And at the same time, just because a movie has a budget and has 'good CGI' doesn't make it a good movie. The acting in this one was decent for what the writing was. What made the movie for me was the set, the cinematography and the music. (I guess you could say 'the atmosphere.') Otherwise it would have just been an average 80's action flick.
You vote for pizza and a movie, they vote to rape you with switchblades. That's voting.
I think a post-apocolyptic future would be a lot like what was portrayed in this movie (as long as nukes weren't used). With everything overgrown, as mother nature seems to reclaim our once great cities with trees and grass. And not much in the way of firearms, since all the bullets have been used up.
And yeah, the score definitely added to the eerie atmosphere.
I think a post-apocolyptic future would be a lot like what was portrayed in this movie (as long as nukes weren't used). With everything overgrown, as mother nature seems to reclaim our once great cities with trees and grass. And not much in the way of firearms, since all the bullets have been used up.
Interestingly, Albert Pyun's director's cut makes mention of that last aspect, with the Fender character saying that there are basically "no bullets" left by that point in time.
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Yeah i realy did like this film. Van damme was great and the special effects were great also. This movie still looks good today. i dont know what everyone of complianing about, i realy dont cause this is such a great movie which i will certanly watch again. I have to say i liked fendor also, he made for a great villian.
Love post-apocalyptic stories in general, and I am actually a JCVD fan. However, I never caught this film of his before. I'm watching it now and 15 minutes in have got to say, it is one of his best films. Campy at times, but it is different, and in a good way.