I had this same fear to. I was being visited by things in the night since before I can remember, according to my mom. I watched Communion with my dad at 9 years old and for a year and a half I would be woken in the night by "greys" coming to visit me. My mom didn't believe me cause the church told her aliens were not real. I would pray and pray endlessly. Finally one night I came to realize the "greys" face was just a mask. I kicked at it and it cracked, like porcelain and there was something much more frightening behind the mask - it was a demonic figure. Finally my mom was convinced because it had been going on so long and my stories never changed. The pastor came over, prayed over me and my room and I never seen them off-screen again.
Later in my life I studied parapsychology and I can't remember the name of the demon/spirit/energy but it disguises itself and feeds off the fear of children. The more fear, the more power it holds. Though they stopped visiting me, whenever I saw a picture of a face of a "grey" I would be left frozen in fear, a painful fear that pierced into my heart. I met a woman who had this same fear. She was almost 40 and had suffered from being visited off and on by these "greys" which she too came to identify as some sort of demonic spirit that had been feeding off of her fear since she was a little girl. She was in the video store and saw the VHS cover of Communion and fainted. It was the exact same thing she'd been seeing since she was a little girl.
The fear left me around 10 years ago, when I was 20. That fear of even just the image of a grey would give me a panic attack between the ages of 9-20, so this thing, this entity, spirit, alien, demon, whatever you wanna call it, is rooted in the fear itself.
You are not crazy, your eyes are just more open than others.