A good movie but...

I used to watch this movie constantly when I was very very small.

Now I am a teenager. I found this in the back of my video cabinet a couple of weeks ago, and put it in the VCR just for the memories.

Does anyone else find this movie sort of creepy in a surreal way? It sort of sent chills down my spine. I don't know why, exactly. (The owl part has always scared me, but God...) It's a very cute movie but for some reason I find it unexplainably weird.

Anyone else feel the same?

You're just an empty cage girl if you kill the bird...


My goodness the screech owl scene scares me to this day (I'm now 20). Not to mention the scene in the deadwood swamp and Milo drifting down the river at night... chills me right now just thinking about it. Strange that I liked the movie so much as a kid. I still do I guess. Just seen it so much that I haven't watched it in a while. Right now it's 5.99 at WalMart on DVD.


Yea, this movie still freaks me out to this day. The reaction of the bear seeing the box has always made me feel kinda...disturbed.


You people are ALL bloodywell disturbed as fas as I can see, from your insular and even slightly racist comments. Even just a 'glimpse' in the form of this film showing you a window sized view of life 'outside' of the box you people live in freaks you out!? My God, 'that's' SCARY, not this film!

Talk about out of touch with reality!?


perhaps next time you should adress those who actually think that way, unlike some in this friend (like me)


No, you say you were disturbed by this also. By your own admitance you are disturbed.

I 'could' go into how the 'long (and perilous looking) shots' and 'close in' shots ALWAYS have an edit/cut between them, meaning they were shot to make it 'appear' the animals were in danger, but why should I have to think for you people!?

Anyways, I don't give a toss. This is a nice little film to learn kids the value and fragility of life. If your disturbed by it then that's your look out, but don't blame the film for unhinging your own weak mental state.


All of you... just ... you think to freakin much.
When you are kid, the movie is awsome... 'nuff said.

It was a genious movie... it was sweet, children could learn things, and develop great imaginations. OMG?! Imagination? *gasp*

Whoever says it is creepy and all whatever else... well... you have some real mental issues or something.
geez, people are so messed up.
