Casualty of bore...

I’ve always found this film a bit pretentious, and over-acted.
I’ve also always viewed it as a blatant attempt to cash in on the success of “Platoon” which is (IMHO) a far better movie. Some of the dialog between characters was almost exact: “Torch the place!” etc… Even Dale Dye appears as the same @#&% character…
Fox is completely miscast here. I like Fox, and think he’s a good actor, but he failed to sell me as a soldier. He’s too small, clean cut and seemed to be missing his delorean.
Penn and (especially) Harvey go way overboard with the whole villainous characterizations to the point that it almost becomes comical. I mean seriously, these guys could go up against Batman…
Thuy Thu Le does her best at keeping the emotional backbone of the film, but the rest of the clichéd characters fall flat as they try to wring out every last drop of drama.
I hadn’t watched this film in over 20 years until last night. I remembered that I really didn’t care much for it back then, but couldn’t remember why… I do now.

Stick with the original… Platoon.


AMEN! I saw it again the other night as was zoning off whenever I wasnt shaking my head at how bad this movie tried to rip off Platoon.. Lequizamo under used.. Fox was miscast and Penn over acted..


Although Fox is bit too much of a goody-good straight arrow and Penn occasionally yells too much, compared to the ridiculous trio of Platoon (The Angelic Father Defoe, The Demonic Father Berenger and the moronic, babbling son Sheen), they´re pretty good and believable. De Palma also maps out the dynamics within the group with a much sharper eye and maturity than Stone could ever hope to muster and, as usual, he is capable of laying on pathos without coming off goofy. The battle scenes are no less effective as the ones in Stone´s film and although the picture´s final third is a bit of a let-down, it´s still far superior to Platoon (which remains one of the 80´s best comedies). 7,5/10 to Casualties.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Watching a movie over and over you don't like...damn weird.




The Tom Beringer character in "Platoon" was just as if not more over the top as Penn.


its a great film. the performances are excellent as is the directing like most of de palmas films.


I liked this a lot more than "Platoon," which I thought was a self indulgent piece of garbage.

"Mr. Bond, you defy all my attempts to plan an amusing death for you."


I like both movies pretty much the same, but I don't like "Platoon" because of the persistent use of the "f" word. I also do admit that Penn does a little over-acting.

Nonetheless, they are both good.


yes this movie is very boring in some extent, so when MJF fan ask me what MJF film should they watch, I never suggest this movie.


serious boredom, plus the rape scene, man would love to watch, any girl would not want to watch rape scene.


If you found this or any other rape scene something you loved to watch I would suggest you seek out some help. No need to reply or be offended, just ask yourself if you did feel aroused or entertained by the rape and honestly answer yourself.


and I agree with OP (original poster) this movie is of SERIOUS BOREDOM even.


yes I agree that this movie is super boring.


I would speak that, the moment when Erikkson and Chucky (the glasses kid) finally farewell (the moment Chucky wants to follow Erikkson, but Erikkson thinks that Chucky is dumb and stupid and not let Chucky follow himself and tell him F off)....then the next explosion, Chucky died....Erikkson felt sad and others speak "As we have to die, what is the meaning of being here"

Erikkson just because we may have to die when we walk, we have to be very careful on every step...Every step becomes precious to us.

I only find this part not boring
