MovieChat Forums > Casualties of War (1989) Discussion > Excuse me please Ericsson is just as bad...

Excuse me please Ericsson is just as bad as the others

he stood there and watched in the rain.He could have started shooting and raised hell up in that hooch but no chose to stand there,cry and watch instead of stepping up,showing some balls and doing what's right.

Alright alrighty post was a little sexist and highly inflammatory...although I probably would have killed the other men and blamed the VC




I still say shoot them in the back while they're focusing on the gang rape. Shoot them all in the back.



i totally understand why he didn't do anything at first, but couldn't he just let her leave when he was alone with her and diaz? diaz didn't want to do anything, anyway, so he probably wouldn't have stopped him
they could've said she got away or something... then none of this would've happened.

or wouldn't that have been an option, either?

"Angel Investigation - we hope you're helpless" - Doyle


It's a shame that the girl didnt understand that Eriksson was trying to tell her to run away on her own.Again,it's the language barrier.I really wish she could have escaped.It was heartbreaking with the scenes with the girl and Eriksson.Shocking story.



Dear God who resurrected this 3 year old post.

Females LOVE being right and we OFTEN are



timeless eh...yeah...can't believe I wrote half the stuff on here...forgiveness I was fresh out of the teens LOL

Females LOVE being right and we OFTEN are


Hrm... Killing people is easy...if you can forget the taste of sugar.


if he HAD done something- he would be dead and we would never have heard of this girl or her story. Since he knew that they would kill him if he "did something" and since that would have served no purpose at all- except the death of one more person, he lived to tell her tale.
Now her death isn't meaningless or silent- we now know about her and she didn't die for nothing now.
He did what he could.


Killing the other men and blaming the VC wouldn't have worked. Ever heard of ballistics?


yes, that thought had occured to me too- what was he supposed to do? wait until he got a gun off a dead VC body to take 'em out with? And like none of them would've noticed he was carrying a different gun.

Of course, there's also ethics. He wasn't the type to wipe out his comrades, no matter how evil, because he knew he wasn't judge & jury.
The same force that kept him going after it even though all his commanding officers wanted to sweep it under the rug, was the same thing that kept him from doing the wrong in the field when he was the sole voice of reason.



Are you forgetting these people were behnd enemy lines at the time, Firing like mad man would of at the time given away his postion to the VC, So one he was stuck there, And Two its easy to say " I would of shot them" but until your put in that postion how do you know how your gonna react to your in that situation, You cannot say for sure.

Real life isnt like the movies people are heros all the time. People have human failings. That's what happened Ericsson failed at being human. But he tried to make for it for bringing the men to justice. But as other post mention Ericsson is a troubled man for years after the event


I agree with Londonlad2001221 - firing would've given away their position and endangered everyone, even the girl.
And yes, everyone says, "I wouldn't have done that" - I refer to you the Milgram Experiment, My Lai massacre, or Phillip Zambardo's Stanford Prison Experiment- and I'm sure there are many more examples that I am not aware of.
None of us REALLY knows how we will react until we are in that situation.
If the OP had any command of self-reflection or awareness, they would know this.


I completely agree. His passiveness during that whole atrocity was probably far crueler than the other soldiers because he gave her false hope that he was going to protect her.


he is not bad, if he is bad, nobody would know what happen to the girl (without erikkson being just/justice, he would also rape that girl and kill the girl with the 4, and would not report them)

if erikkson is bad together, he would not be attacked and entrapped like what the movie happen,

he would not see a lighter when he dropped sth on floor when he was trying to smoke cigarette if he is bad, if he work togheter with the 4 he would not have danger....


at least did he rape that viet girl?

"as evil as" others?

man, before you speak, use your brain to think first.


A few years to late, but much easier said than done. He would have been blasted away instantly by one of the other guys.

Death is the standard breach for a complex prize.


Indeed. Real life combat is not a video game.

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .
