MovieChat Forums > Casualties of War (1989) Discussion > Suitable for a 12 year old.

Suitable for a 12 year old.

Would a 12 year old be able to watch it. What's it ontain and what are the violent scenes.


Some of the material is rather heavy for a 12 yr old; apart from the inevitable violence of war, the rape scene in particular, whilst not explicitly depicted in any way, is nonetheless quite drawn out and there's no doubting the trauma of the suffering girl.

Also I don't think it is a film which would necessarily hold the attention of a 12 yr old: it really is no action film (not to decry the intellectual sensibilities of very young teens of course!) although someone of that age might maintain their interest if they happened (unusually I'd have thought) to be studying the subject of the conflict in Vietnam.


Ha probably not. I wanted to see this when I was 9 but my parents wouldn't let me.

"If I'm laughing at what I think I am, its very funny"




Well, that depends on the 12 yo :-)


It depends on the kid. I saw it when I was 10 or so, but my mother is really liberal when it comes to film (she was a film major). I wasn't scarred.

"And it was 'Arrested Development'."



I was also 12 or 13 when I first saw it on one of the premium channels and I thought it was a great movie then. I think kids are even more mature now then I was back then.

George Carlin: It's all bullsh-t and it's bad for ya., March 2008


You have to answer part of the question yourself. Should YOUR 12 year old see this movie? Like a few other posters here I saw CoW, and worse movies, when I was about that age and I wasn't shocked or traumatized. It was just a movie. But now, as a grown-up, I know many of my friend's kids that would be okay with it, and others that, if I were their parent, I'd have to say 'no' just because it's not right for THAT kid. I'm not saying anything is wrong with them, all kids are just different.

Listen to input.. watch it yourself.. then decide.

"Is this how time normally passes? Really...slowly...and in the right order?"

-The Doctor


Hell no


At 18 years old, I was traumatized by this film. If I were a parent, I would NEVER let my 12 year old watch this movie. Hell, I wouldn't let a 14 year old watch this movie.


Ontain? What's an ontain?




If he's familiar with the horrors of war, and knows what rape and sexual abuse are, he should be fine.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


The movie is fine for a 12 year old.

I first saw this movie when I was 9 years old. It didn't leave me traumatised. All it did was allow me to see some of the reality of war.

I'm surprised so many people are against a child seeing this. This doesn't give children PTSD. It gives them knowledge, too many people underestimate a child's mind.
