MovieChat Forums > Casualties of War (1989) Discussion > Why isn't this movie more popular?

Why isn't this movie more popular?

Whenever I bring up the topic of great Vietnam movies, nobody's even heard of Casualties of War. Something is wrong here. Is the idea of Marty McFly as a war vet so repulsive? Or do people just hate to see their troops depicted in such horrible manner? If anything, I think this movie deserves the same recognition the likes of Platoon, Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket get.


I think it was Penn & Fox

Fox is a great comedy actor.....just didn't have the gravitas vs. Penn

Not that Penn is great....but he's a good dramatic actor & was GREAT in Milk - deserved Oscar

And Hatcher was too annoying.....Fox shoulda stuck that shovel sideways into Hatchers throat at the start


Probably because it wassn't shown on TNT almost every minute of the day for years. That's largely how Shawshank finally got the widespread recognition it deserves.



Are you kidding? This film is an overwrought, overacted, piece of garbage. That the military is depicted in a ridiculous, unrealistic manner is the LEAST of it's problems.

And you're comparing it to Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket? You make me want to piss myself.
