why cant they just get hookers
if the are really horny and need to get it on then get a hooker for crying out loud
if the are really horny and need to get it on then get a hooker for crying out loud
oh, i didnt know..
Not only that, rape is about power and control, not sex. They weren't necessarily trying to get their jollies off, but they were angry at the Vietnamese because they were fighting the war and Sgt. Meserve just lost a friend due to it all. So they took their rage and control out on an innocent girl.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." -Gandalf the Grey
I know this is an old post, but I think the main reason was that it was difficult to get hookers in the rural areas, they could get hooker in the urban areas, but they were fighting and patrolling in the jungle.
Plus, no hooker in their right mind would want to follow soldiers into the jungle.
They were all traumatized by war and unfortunately snapped.
sharethere is key scene that show the men trying to go into town that was near army base to visit whore but there passes were deny by MP at gate. penn get mad and overract. this scene is before penn brief his men on mission.