Am I the only one who kind of feels sorry for Biff?
I mean he got humiliated by George, then Marty stole his book and he ran into a manure truck twice.
shareI mean he got humiliated by George, then Marty stole his book and he ran into a manure truck twice.
shareWhen I'm able to get past the fact that he was trying to murder Marty, and had tried to rape Lorraine, and who knows how badly he would have hurt George, on top of just being a bully, then sure I can see how one might feel a little bad for Biff.
shareAnd in that alternative timeline 1985, he had George murdered and forced Lorraine into marrying him.
So yeah, no sympathy for Biff from me neither.
Biff was originally mostly just a bully but even in the original BTTF Biff tries murder Marty with his car "I'm gonna ram him!" even though this is oddly glossed over. He also drunkenly attempts to rape Lorraine. Biff's villainy is ramped up in the sequel where in alternate 1985 he has murdered George Mcfly and attempts to murder Marty with a gun. Back in 1955 again tries to murder Marty with his car a few more times
So yeah Biff is a pretty horrible person. Not much to feel sorry for him.
Actually, the OP has brought up an interesting point: Biff seems to have had a pretty lousy home life, even if that hardly was the focus of the story (it was only briefly hinted at in just one scene, I think). The problem is that Biff was old enough already by 1955, that he was fully responsible for his own hideous actions. So even if I could have had some sympathy with a younger bully with a lousy home life, Biff was already a lost cause while he was still in High School.
shareNo. He is a no good stinking jerk bully. Even before Marty interferes with the past we find out Biff made George do his homework for him which is completely wrong. Then he later threatens George just for entering a diner which he has no right to tell him not to be there. Then there's trying to murder Marty. Then there's trying to rape Lorraine. Yeah. I don't feel sorry for him. Getting covered in Manure isn't even punishment enough. Though in the altered timeline it is good he becomes George's servant.
shareI think so. He bullied George, groped Lorraine, tried to rape Lorraine, and both times when he went into a manure truck, he did so because he was trying to kill Marty. Fvck him. He deserved to eat shit.