The Hottest Young Rider?
In your opionion who do you feel is the hottest young rider?
The hottest is Kid, Jimmy, and then IKE.
In your opionion who do you feel is the hottest young rider?
The hottest is Kid, Jimmy, and then IKE.
Hottest? Jimmy, Buck, Kid and then Ike. Cody never did anything for me.
shareI know this thread is ancient, but...
Ike, Ike, and more Ike! And that's what I'd like, please...
Sometimes I could kiss your mind, Roy.
Jimmy and Kid. Wow. That's a different answer than my first one in 2007. Back then I thought Jimmy and Cody were the hottest and I had a soft spot for the Kid. Don't worry. I still like Cody.
Not a word you want to hear in this house.
Catch ya on the flip side.
*raises hand from the back of the room to feverishly agree with you*
shareI always used to imagine that when the Young Riders came galloping down my road, it would be either Jimmy and Buck who would swing me up onto the back of his horse and ride off to fall in love with me.
Used to--who am I kidding? ;)
With Jimmy and Buck tied for hottest, Ike comes in at a real close second, with that group far outpacing Cody, followed by Lou, and last of all Kid. Ike was a hottie for sure, and I wish he got more focus time; Cody's sense of humor and huge, goofy smile were always attractive; Lou's a better looking gal than fellow, but her gender-bending was always sexy; and Kid was a sweetheart, and cute, but never really did it for me.