fav ep?

the beach is the best!


I think the church where he's making that scary face and scares the dude next to him (among other hilarious things) is priceless. Another absolutely brilliant moment is when he's in the department store and gets his hand stuck in a guy's pocket so goes to the toilet with him, then nonchalantly hands him some toilet paper.


The first episode I ever saw was the one where he's trying to get out of the parking garage without having to pay. Then he finally does get out and manages to tip over the three-wheeled car! I laughed so hard my throat went dry!

There was a young lady from Venus...
Whose body was shaped like a...


I would give every Mr Bean episode 10/10 except the movie, 7/10. My favourite part in Mr Bean History is when he is playing with Mary and Joseph toys in "Merry Christmas Mr Bean". The second funniest part was in "Goodnight Mr Bean", when he is watching a very quiet TV programme and then it plays really loud Rock Music!!!

So "Merry Christmas Mr Bean" is my favourite.



My fav episode is where he goes to the swimming pool and he tries to go down that little slide, but the lifeguard wont let him. and where he makes that sandwich in the park with the lil fish.





I love Mr. Bean, I reckon his gags are pure genius. :-D

My favourite sketches...
*Bauble Durability
*The Hotel Episode
*The Fishy Bingo Game
*Bean's Birthday at the Restaurant
*Any Episode with Irma Gobb
*Stocking in a Stocking LMAO!!!
*The Hair Cut
*The Art Class
*Horror Movie
*The Salvation Army guy using the charity for his own personal use. LMAO!!!!!

There's so many more. It was such a brilliant show! :-D



Definitely The Curse of Mr. Bean.
My two favourite scenes in this episode were:
- when Mr. Bean found an ingenious way of getting out of the car park (and ultimately knocking over the Robin Reliant (the 3-wheeled van))
- when Mr Bean and his girlfriend Irma Gobb are at the movies (when Mr Bean pulled his sweater over his head, I seriously didn't expect Irma to scream like that!)



All of Em!!! but if I had to pick one it would have to the episode where Mr Bean is sitting on a park bench making his lunch - Achooooooooooooooooooo!


I just got the dvd set and I have a couple of favorites. I like the one when he is in the hotel, the one where he is in the barber shop,and the one where he goes to the carnival. I actually like all of them. Mr. Bean/Rowan Atkinson, you rock!


They are all good, but my opinion is:

They are all good, but I would have to say that Mr. Bean in Room 426 is the best one...

The best parts of it are (apart from the whole thing)

• The old lady on the stairs.
• The oysters.
• Just before the oysters – when he is SHOVELING the food in his mouth.
• Jumping on the bed and telling it ‘SHHH!’ when the porter knocks.
• The Alfred Hitchcock camera moves.
• Locked out of his room.
• The TV remote scene
• The last line of the show:

Danny la Rue: Ere, That’s my frock!

Rips the earring from Mr. Bean’s ear

Bean: Arghhh!

Still my favorite...


Top 5 in no order:

Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean

DIY Mr. Bean (1st part - great, 2nd part - meh, 3rd part - okay)

Mind The Baby, Mr. Bean

Tee Off, Mr. Bean

And the one where he goes to the dentist (that part where has to change in the car - that was hilarious)

All the others are brilliant though - it's so hard to choose just one.


In Order:

1. Mr. Bean In room 426
2. Tee Off Mr. Bean
3. Back To School Mr. Bean
4. Mr. Bean Goes To Town


i think the exam is the funniest thing i have ever seen. still cracks me up every time.


It has to be the Christmas episode for me - especially the bit involving the Salvation Army band with Bean's jazzy rendition of 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen' - I have to watch that bit several times over when I watch the episode!
