MovieChat Forums > Family Matters (1989) Discussion > Steve Urkel or Sheldon Cooper?

Steve Urkel or Sheldon Cooper?

Which nerd do you prefer?

Obviously, this is the Family Matters board, so some people might say Steve. What if these characters were to meet, who'd come up on top? Wits, smarts, personality... Who would people gravitate towards?

My world is boring; hence the name. :P


That would be so interesting to see.

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella


I'm not sure....maybe Shelton.


Love 'em both.



-More extroverted
-Better able to handle social situations (compared to Sheldon)
-Better at translating his smarts into concrete applications
-Wider range of scientific expertise -- biology, chemistry, etc.



-Less clumsy and destructive
-Isn't obssessed with a girl who doesn't return his affections
-Better voice
-More OCD quirks
-Uses more pop culture references
The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


Isn't obssessed with a girl who doesn't return his affections

Yes, this was Steve's most negative quality. I will never get why he didn't give up on stupid shallow Laura.


Def. Urkel, the only thing I'd want to do with Sheldon is strangle him.


Two different characters from different eras.
Steve Urkel was created during a time where the nerd is the underdog that we all root for to get the girl in the end.

Sheldon Cooper comes from a more cynical time where he's supposed to me more like the villain whom we don't really feel sorry for if he doesn't get his way. Hense his OCD and rude behavior. Steve Urkel isn't rude on purpose. He has a little more heart than Sheldon even though weve grown to love both characters.

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Urkel. He's nice. Although I like Big Bang Theory, Sheldon would be too annoying to be around. He's like that angry old man that you just don't want to be around.


Sheldon cooper was not annoying i think he was just a anti social introvert genius


Not annoying? He is an insane person who demands to have things his way 100% of the time and there's no way around it. That's both annoying and wrong. But because of his obsessive compulsive disorder he can't really function or think like a normal person.


I dislike both characters, but Urkel was somewhat more tolerable.
