Favorite Scene/Line??

This movie is full of memorable one-liners and funny scenes. These tie for my favorites:
Charlie, in his Dad's body, goes to his Dad's work, walks past the secretary, and opens what he thinks is his office door but it's actually the closet! Then he looks back at Marcy and says, "Good...I need some pens...and some envelopes..." Oh I laugh so hard every time I see that.
Turk tells Tina that Charlie said he had a kid. Tina looks at him and says "Horny little bastard!"


when charlie in his dad's body checks himself out in the bathroom...


Get off the line, you pervert!!!


Judge Reinhold is the most!




........and those BOWLSSS.... had better be GLEEEAMING.....

when he caught the older guys smokin in the bathroom.... oh and when one em goes " She is so FAT, man!!!"

talk about hilarious..... 1 of my favorite movies hands down....


hahaha this movie is the best, i like it better than freaky friday. i like all the scenes, its hard to choose one. the whole movie is funny and it came out when i was born.


I agree ....my favorite line is

and those BOWWWLS....better be GLEAMINNG.

Or the part where he raids the bathroom and says CALHOUN SCHOOL PATROL!
or the part where he evades police with Charlie and make a quick getaway onto the Amtrak train and says to the train personnel CALHOUN CHICAGO VICE.....HILAROUS.


My favorite part is at the end when Charlie is looking out the window while his dad and his new fiancee are driving away and it's just a close up of him watching them drive away for like 2 minutes while "Set the Night to Music" plays in the background and the credits are rolling....and then it slowly fades out. It's such a weird/uncomfortable/awkward scene but I LOVE it. hahaha. I laughed forever about this. The just don't make movies like this anymore. Just unabashedly cheesy.


The whole film is great but I absolutely love the scene where Marshall is playing the drums in the department store.


Santa: Is he famous?

Limo driver: He will be. I'm gonna kill 'em!

And I also love when Fred Savage as Marshall gives the three yuppies the finger behind their backs in the elevator.


Mine is also Marshall playing the drums in the department store. That was a pretty awesome tune they played! A 3-man band, like Rush! And that guitar looked totally awesome, do they make those anymore??? The store salesman really got into playing the keyboards too! What an awesome scene(s)!!!

Do you think all three guys actually played their own instruments?


One of my favorite '80s comedies (funnier than BIG in my book).

So many good lines--like the toy moose exchange: "You wouldn't say gooses.....no, it's geese, are you saying it's meese?" (You have to see the movie).

"He's drinking! Marshall, he's drinking!" LOL

Human Beings...Wow


I like the department store scene too.

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love the dept store scene, they were rockin

~ TAKE the ticket!


Marshall in Charlie's body, after just hanging up the phone with the mother: "If we don't resolve this, I'll have to go live with her. This is the woman that I couldn't live with as a husband, and now I'm going to be her son. It's a Freudian nightmare!"

Use tasteful words. You may have to eat them.


When Fred Savage says to the hockey coach: "Ass and stomach." He was such a little smart ass.....his comedic timing was awesome.


Interesting...I always thought he said "acid stomach", like, as if he had digestive problems or something...haha I'll try and see if my dvd has subtitles and see what they say. But you're right about Savage's timing- he's hilarious.


It IS acid stomach that he says.

"Love many...
Trust few...
Do wrong to none" *Shakespeare* & *Yau-Man*


When the teacher tells Charlie in the body of Marshall that she believes Charlie is in love with her and Charlie yells "NO WAY!" Instant classic!!


That was the one I was gonna post. That was hilarious. The look on the teacher's face 


Hahaha! ACID stomach! Thanks for the correction!


I laughed when after they switched back and were sitting naked in Charlie's room, Marshall slowly looks down and then gasps with relief, "Oh it worked!"



When he goes back to his office and his secretary tells him there's a frog in the sink and he yells,

"Oh no, I forgot! HE MUST BE STARVING!!!"

he says something else after that, but him screaming that line cracks me up every time!

"Zombies, man. They creep me out."


two words: "NO WAY!"


and her expression afterwards? Fantastic!

"Zombies, man. They creep me out."


Sam tells Marshall (Charlie, actually) that it's not what she wants that matters, but it's what they want -- as a unit. Then, later, Charlie tells his Dad not to cancel the date with Sam, cause........."She's worried about your unit, Dad".

I also like when the kid tells the guy at the payphone, "...and I have to call my secretary.....do you mind"?


The bit where Fred Savage gets into the car with the bully is hilarious.

"Racoon turd."

(Sincerely) "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that."


I loved it when Judge is playing the drums in the store. I actually told him that this scene inspired me to learn how to the play the drums when I met him a few years ago.

"Life is short but sweet for certain."
--Dave Matthews (Two Step)
