Cindy graduating college??

In the movie The Brady Brides, which came out in 1981, Cindy is going to college, but in 1988, she's graduating and only 22??


It's perfectly conceivable that Cindy changed majors. In The Brady Brides she's a theater major, but by the time The Bradys came along in 1990 she is working as a DJ. She might have gone for a couple years, tried acting which didn't work out, went back and majored in Communications or Radio/TV.


Perhaps she was in graduate school? I remember her saying she was graduating but no indication wether it was undergraduate or graduate school or say anything about how old she was.


Another thing was that Cindy had all this education only to become a radio DJ? What did she major in, Theater, Communications?


By the time child #6 is ready to go to college, most parents would be tired of any struggle the kid puts up, so they're more than happy to let them take their time finishing school.

Also, most parents have more money by then.

So Cindy not graduating till age 25 makes sense.


Maybe it was graduate school she was in?


Well how about Greg in the first Brady reunion movie. He's already a doctor.
