This will be rather biased due to me watching this movie with my little sister when I was around 12-13, and sympathizing with Satsuki's character due to similarities in my life at the moment, but here we go:
Although there is no real antagonist nor conflict, there is a major one and that is: pure uncertainty. Through the whole movie, especially, towards the end, will their mother eventually come back or not hangs over our heads; along with will Mei come home. The antagonist of this movie is life itself, and in my opinion, it teaches us to value those little things and look for hidden meanings in life. Thus the wind is Totoro or a Catbus, and even when acorns have just started sprouting - it gives us hope and the energy of a new life that (I think) we miss in our daily, rushed lives.
It's heartwarming and filled with beautiful pictures, and if you're watching it when you're older/teenager - you should let your imagination run wild and look at with a simplistic view, not look for hidden meaning, just let it embrace you. Japanese cinematography is rather different than Western, while we look for meaning and plot inside the movie itself, this movie for instance gives a perfect background for us to create our own. To, as I said, look for hidden things and be happy with small changes and always have hope. It certainly deserve a strong 8.2 in my opinion. Should it go higher; fine, but not because it's a great movie, it's because it has moved others, and that's what it deserves. I'd give it a 10 because it inspires me and makes me laugh everytime I remember it. Although I -would- like to see more background stories of the soot-balls and Totoro's and a bit more characters/a stronger plot, or that I believe some scenes are unnecessary etc. and if I look at it that way - sure it lacks.
But then ask yourself, are you watching movies like this to fall into a different world and enjoy a completely different yet strong atmosphere, lets you relax and completely let your imagination run wild while looking at a piece of Miyazaki's imagination or to think of ways it could've been better in a -technical- manner? If the latter's the case, this movie won't be too great to you in my opinion, but you won't be able to say you've dived into it with 100%.