MovieChat Forums > They Live (1988) Discussion > This is not a movie...this is a document...

This is not a movie...this is a documentary.

It's crazy how this movie predicted the future. All the hidden messages you see when wearing the glasses is exactly what "They" are trying to do to us today. The only one "They" changed is "marry & reproduce" because it was taking too long to get results. The marriage part that is. That is why "They" now promote sleeping around and villainize the sanctity of marriage.


I also believe that aliens are visiting this planet and have infiltrated society.


"They" are not aliens, hence the quotes. "They" stands for the elite overlords but I thought that was rather obvious. You should rewatch the film then watch today's news.

There still is a possibility of aliens already running this world. Sure, why not? That wasn't the movie's message though.


It's good to be right, eh?


It's bad to be left.


Carpenter made it as a negative commentary on capitalism, primarily the Reagan-era variety.


I’d say it was negative commentary on corporatism rather than capitalism. The latter isn’t a bad system on its own, and has helped nations thrive unlike socialism/communism/Marxism.

But organizations that have more power than they should have, and are abusing that power, is a problem that needs to be addressed.


It's a timeless message because, unfortunately, I think societies will always have the "haves" and the "have-nots" and those at the top will always try to control. There will always be a person with power or enough charisma to acquire power who starts thinking, "Hey, everybody should think like I do. The world would be better if everybody else just did what I said."

Now, while I think the message of the movie is brilliant and should be pondered, I also think it should be applied carefully. If taken as intended, it's a good bulwark against advertisers, cult leaders, and political bullies. If taken too far, it turns into conspiracy thinking that starts chucking babies while seeing nothing but bathwater.


Society has never recovered from maggienomics


It's a great movie that perfectly predicted what is currently going on, but John Carpenter is a wack job who's in love with the progressive left.
