MovieChat Forums > They Live (1988) Discussion > Love this movie, but the Republican anal...

Love this movie, but the Republican analogy

doesn't exactly work, at least not anymore. A lot on the left have become about control and censorship. They want more government and control over people's lives; unless it's something they agree with like abortion. Hell, many of them are openly socialist. At the very least, they try to publicly ruin people's lives when they don't agree with you. It's pretty ironic Carpenter is such a staunch liberal, because the left has turned into the party of controlling people's lives.


love me some reptilian conspiracies


Great how both sides can claim its a criticism of the other.


The fact that you trust either party is troubling. Both are about control. I haven't voted in a long time, just because I don't find either of the candidates there to do the people's will. They are supposed to serve us, but we serve them. Stop being confused.


Republicans: liberals are trying to censor our freedom of speech!

The freedom of speech republicans want: the n-word


LOL, dude, youtube is full of vids of lefties using violence or the threat of violence to silence people who have real shit to say.

Your claim is silly.


Featured Imdb review:

"They Live" is one of the most original and underrated sci-fi action movies i've ever seen. Eventhough the acting isn't spectacular, and by the end turns into a down right urban action movie, "They Live" is one of the most entertaining ever.

The plot is quite simple, Nada(Roddy Piper) a homeless drifter stumbles upon a pair of sunglasses through which you can see the world for what it really is, a communist type environment controlled by aliens, and then joins up with his buddy Frank(Keith David) to stop them. In the middle of all this there a lot of great one liners, a lot of harebrained action and one of the longest, and best, fist fights ever filmed.


Hell, many of them are openly socialist

whats that mean exactly ?

whats the difference between a democrat party voter and an " openly socialist"


The whole "democrats love censorship" idea is so hypocritical. Conservatives have historically pushed censorship. Conservatives were the ones who were extremely pro-Hays Code, which literally invented cinematic and televised censorship that still ruins media to this day. Conservatives have also historically censored anything not pro-religious, pro-American, or pro-White. I'm sure people will try to deny this for some insane reason.
