MovieChat Forums > The Serpent and the Rainbow (1988) Discussion > ANyoen know where i can find this film?

ANyoen know where i can find this film?

I vaguely remember this movie when i was a teen. I liked it but never can find the darn thing. Any pointers on where i can locate my own copy? Btw i live in Texas so it may be more difficult to do. Dunno.

stupid was a crime you would get double life and the electric chair


eBay. If you can't find it there then you don't need it.


it's up on for free


Hasn't ANyoen here ever heard of 'Torrents' ??? Every *beep* you can find in there, that too with the choice of various formats & versions. Share the movies with u'r friends...Enjoy!! :V

||| CoMMOn SeNSe iS nOt sO cOMMoN aMOnG cOMMon pEOpLe |||




I recently found it in a horror-themed 4-pack, on DVD, with three other quite watchable horror movies, if you want a hard copy of the film, for a very reasonable price (10 Canadian dollars).
