I loath this movie...
I'm in the minority... and I don't care. I'm a sap for mushy Christmas / rom-coms but this movie just doesn't work for me.
1. The Claire / Frank relationship
He's already a selfish douche when he first meets Claire. I cannot picture any universe where this sweet, cute girl would find this guy endearing or appealing. Nor do I believe she would take him on as a 'project'.
2. Bill Murray is noticeably uncomfortable around Karen Allen
Perhaps related to 1. above, but my impression is that Murray himself just isn't into this aspect of the role. There is zero warmth or chemistry between them.
Want proof? Watch that cringe-worthy final kiss or two that Murray delivers during the final scene. His lips are practically sewn shut and stretched out like a chimpanzee, like he doesn't want to get anymore intimate than he has to for the scene.
3. Frank Cross' final 'conversion' speech is totally unconvincing.
Bill Murray is best at cynical, self-absorbed schtick. Most of that final speech is delivered in that same 'Bill Murray' style. I don't know if it's the writing, or simply that Bill Murray is not a good dramatic actor when a little humility and drama is called for (brief appearance of a tear in his left eye notwithstanding).
Lines like "do this or you'll burn in hell, I guarantee it" suggest his conversion has less to do with genuine humanity and more to do with saving-his-ass. This is reinforced by his wipe-of-the-forehead-whew-dodged-a-bullet thing when he's looking up at the ghosts in the studio rafters.
This entire speech is also undone by his 'breaking the wall' thing and reverting back to 'Bill Murray' mode. It's amusing, but doesn't fit well at this point in the movie where we're supposed to be feeling a warm glow.
(Also, watch the out-of-focus crowd behind them. Most of them aren't singing, some look bored...)
My wife makes me watch this dreck every year and I hate it. Thanks for letting me vent... bash away...