Had potential, but it's poorly done
For some reason this horror-action hybrid had completely slipped past me until now. Five mercenaries steal $3million from Camp Pendleton and escape in a hijacked plane. As they fly towards Mexico one of the gang double-crosses the others and parachutes out with the cash (can't help feeling $3million in cash would need a bigger bag, but whatever). He lands in the middle of some overgrown farmland. Two of the gang bail out after him, whilst the other two force the pilot to land the plane in a field nearby. The farmland has several creepy-looking scarecrows that for some reason come to life and start killing-off the mercenaries. We're never told why or how this happens, although one of the mercs puts forward the theory that the scarecrows are possessed by the spirits of three deceased satanist farmers whose photograph hangs inside the farmhouse (what makes this guy think the farmers were satanists I don't know). And that's it, mercs v monsters. It had the makings of an interesting idea, but the dialogue is bad, the acting is bad (no big names), the sound is bad, and the plot feels half finished. The camerawork is admittedly good (cinematographer Peter Deming's next feature was Evil Dead 2 (although this film was released in 1988 it was actually shot in 1984)), and the scarecrow designs are pretty effective. Scarecrows seems to have a bit of a cult following, but for me it was a painful watch. 3/10