MovieChat Forums > Neco z Alenky (1990) Discussion > I HATE THIS FILM (SAID THE WHITE RABBIT)


I just finished my A-level film studies exam on this film... thank God! I never have to think about it again. Possibly the most annoying, unentertaining and painfully drawn out film I've ever seen. After having heard those lips say "said the white rabbit" about ninety times, I wanted to start pushing staples into my eyeballs. Yes, this film is just that good.

On the other hand, its a very easy exam to right about: sexual themes? Doorknobs being pulled off, keys in holes, the frogs extendable tongue? Phallic symbols at their most obvious.

Anyways... I just thought I'd post this to vent my years worth of frustration at being forced to watch this film. No judgment if you like it... but I don't!!!


I love this film, but I can't really criticise your view. This is the problem with film and education, they make you analyse everyone single scene, moment, frame, that most mere mortals will be pretty much over the film by the time they're done. You can't take back what you've already gone through, but as far as myself goes, I happened to stumble across it on TV late one night when I was under the influence of a few substances and became entranced. I've since purchased it and make sure I'm in the same frame of mind whenever I watch it.


This is a film where, despite my 7/10 rating, I'm not sure how to feel about it. I mean when most people hear "Alice In Wonderland" they immediately think "kids film" when this has some images that freaked the hell out of me. I know this was never meant to be a kids film but in terms of expectations, this film has itself a whole new world. That is also a compliment. Tim Burton, Frederico Fellini and Andrei Tarkovskiy in a bag could not write something as imaginative as this. I mean the writer of this film literally had to put to paper "She fell into a bowl of milk and emerges in a paper mache shell as the fish-horse hybrids take her away."

I respect your opinion but I didn't think this was too bad.

"If you don't like your ideas, stop having them!"
