MovieChat Forums > Mississippi Burning (1989) Discussion > Why would the blacks follow a white pers...

Why would the blacks follow a white persons religion???

I've even heard some black preachers thanking God for slavery because it introduced the blacks to Jesus.


Because the religion gives them peace? It teaches them that they are loved unconditionally and will be forgiven of their past wrong doings.


Islam, Judaism and Christianity all stem from the same tree, a tree which sprouted in the Middle East, troll harder next time.


Translation: people from the Middle East are not white people.


Try telling the good old white folks in Mississippi that Jesus ain't white. You are completely missing my point. I'm pretty sure that the African ancestors of the blacks portrayed in the movie would not have been raised as Christians... So one can only surmise that the blacks who turned to Christianity did so in America. So again - Why would the blacks follow a white person's religion???


Obviously you didn't know that there are millions of Black African Christians living in Africa as well.

So do you think Middle Eastern people are white people or not? You brought it up.


Middle Easterners are Caucasoid aka white. They are generally darker than Northern Europeans, sure, and there is discrimination against them in the West but that doesn't make them a different race. That's simply interracial contempt as one can dislike a people even if they look similar and are nearly related to you. Many black people in Africa hold contempt towards other black African tribes.


Well I don't care. If white people didn't want black people to worship their God then they shouldn't have sent missionaries to convert black people to Christianity in the name of Christ.


You don't care, and yet you asked the question. I didn't realise it was supposed to be rhetorical...


I was asking Poopsey1 a question that you decided to answer for Poopsey. Are you Poopsey1's sock account?


No, I'm not. Is there a rule that says other people can't answer a question on this public forum? Whatever. The next time I'll see you post one, I'll make sure I won't answer.


I don't know of any rule that prohibits others from answering a question that I asked someone else.

Although, you answered Poopsie1 question and then asked me Poopsie1 original question.

To which I responding to YOU. The question was meant for Poopsie1 because it was in response to Poopsie1, not you.

But since you want to speak for Poopsie1, I can't speak to you like I would Poopsie1 because you aren't Poopsie1. See my point now?

So I did answer your question and Poopsie1 question. Go back and read it. I'm done now.


Well, I do regret answering and participating in this discussion. I'm now dumber than I was before.


I refer to the answer I gave earlier.......... The original blacks brought to America as slaves to the best of my knowledge had never heard of Christianity, some were Islamic but the vast majority were into tribal traditions which included shamanism.


Oh do shut up and stop talking shite... The original blacks brought to America as slaves to the best of my knowledge had never heard of Christianity, some were Islamic but most were into tribal traditions which included shamanism.


Christianity did not originate in Europe.


And certainly not in Africa either.


Does it make more sense when blacks convert to Islam and change their name to Muhammad (Muhammad Ali said he changed his name because Clay was a white man's name) when Muhammad was a slave owner and the Arabs, Turks and Persians had millions of black slaves?


Religion is ludicrous, but that's not really a unique to black thing. There is much in Christianity that relishes/thanks/is grateful for tests by god. It preaches being thankful for troubles and tribulations. Think of the way characters like Noah and Job and Abraham are revered.


It was forced on them.

Like if you go to a school and everybody is a Marvel fan. Then you go to another school and everybody is DC fans. They harass and knock the Marvel comics out of your hand, then push a DC comic under your nose, threatening your life if you don't start reading DC comics.

Same thing. Lame overbearing super hero fans of the olden days with boring superheroes with first gen special powers of turning water into wine. They should call Jesus alcohol man or something. The Alcoholcamist.

At least walking on water was somewhat cool, it must have been impressive back in the day, but that was maxed out Jesus, compare that to now when you have an alien flying around shooting lasers out of his eyes, and flying so fast he forces the earth to rotate the opposite way.

I guess the Stan Lee of the bible hadn't quite figured out how to create a really long-lasting superhero that would keep people gripped for decades.

Fairy stories and fantasy have progressed a long way
