

That's why states like Mississippi have had few immigrants since the 1800's. Mississippi was and never has been a state that was more than an extension of the old south with 90% of the people English, Scotch-Irish, or black. Biloxi is a little bit of exception, but not much


i want to go to there


I'm sittin here in Mobile and you may have Biloxi and Gulfport mentioned because they have military bases there. More people from all over. And I do not condone, nor wish anything other than what history has said, other than I'm positive it was a million times worse than what any movie or history book will say.Do you realize Mobile was the last city in the US that had a legal public lynching? I have lived all over the states of MS and AL for about 45 years and It seems to me the northern portion is more in touch with mainstream society than the coastal portions. Like Reese Witherspoon says, ' Yah gotta have a passport to get down here".
In the location part, they left out a little fact about some of the outdoor things. They filmed some town square stuff in LaFayette ( thats pronounced la-FAY -ette), a little teeny town above Opelika and then some stuff outside with fires at a hunting camp out in the woods near a town called Wadley. Its really just a stop sign and some historical buildings really, and its just northwest of LaFayette. You couldn't get more out in the middle of nowhere at night if you tried especially when this movie was shot.


Alabama is still pretty bad. The racism is more passive but its there. Passive racism meaning you walk into a resturant they make you wait give you stern looks and any white people that come in are served ahead of you. Like they are to cowardly too run you off so they just ignore you and hope you leave on your own, and your not used to racism so it takes you a while to figure it out and leave.


Yankee troll alert!


George Lassos the Moon

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Black people are moving back to the south in droves. The south isn't perfect by any means but it's vastly improved since the 60's. The south is no more racist than many northern states and probably less racist than places like Boston which is as racist as any place in America.


Black people are moving back to the south in droves. The south isn't perfect by any means but it's vastly improved since the 60's. The south is no more racist than many northern states and probably less racist than places like Boston which is as racist as any place in America.

There are areas of the south they should avoid. Like theres areas where good old white boys start getting hostile with black out of towners then when they(Black folk) defend them selves the police show up siding with the white boys and arrest the black folk. I've seen this in memphis and was shocked. I'm not black, nor white but I really wish my mom had made it to new york before she started having seizures which forced us to stop in memphis.

On our way to florida one year we stopped at a resturaunt some where in Alabama and waited like 45 minuets in a non busy resturant before we left putting it together with the stern looks we got we were in a bad area. In east texas we noticed the black folk are spooked as in they barely say anything in public(No offense but black people are usually loud in public but in east texas its the white trash that hogs the obnoxious behavior) And sit with there hands folded on the table as if to be displaying a non threating posture. Houston's safe but about 30 minutes north east and It's like I always said when your in an area where the black people are sitting on their hands not making a peep you should probably leave at your earliest convenience.


Surprised to hear you say you had an experience like that in Memphis, if you're being honest.

Black people run Memphis.

Not only do they make up nearly 70% of the population but I know at least four of the last five mayors have been black as well. The current police chief is also black.


[quote]Black people run Memphis.[quote] I thinks thats true only on the one side of mephis I forget if its east or west but you can see as demographic shift like night and day between the two, The tension is still there on both sides. This was back in 2007ish before everyone got pissed off at everyone else. The alabama drive through was back in the 90s and east texas from what I noticed flared up right around the 2016 elections. I mean we all heard it was a racist area but but didn't notice it personally other then they will avoid talking to you or delay serving you at a table but after 2016 they look at you like the want to kill you, like there looking for an excuse to start a fight. Plus in memphis it was like a really old walmart worker lady that did this. I'm pretty sure she's dead by now she was so old.


Present them


Nice one.


You’re a towel


Big cities like L.A., New York, and Chicago, are much more racist than the South.


That's quite the blanket statement. I used to live in Chicago, but I grew up in a very white-centric town in Michigan.
In Chi-town, I got a kick out of the multi-ethnicity. Kind of amusing, Brothers were good to me, Hispanics would teach me some Espanol. I worked with all kinds of different people, and we all smiled and liked each other, but I also knew you might wander into the wrong area and things might not be so easy.
But just to mention the biggest cities in the US and state they are much more racist than the South doesn't really pass the "smell test."


Your logical fallacy: Argument by example.


I'm just saying that your statement is so broad as to be meaningless, and I'm guessing the history of racism in the South is more pervasive and stubborn than in these Big Cities. What you are stating is only an opinion, and I don't agree. But if you have reason to feel this way, that's o-k too.


Im in NYC everyday at my office
I dont see this sort of thing at all
Frankly, racist bullshit would not be tolerated by my gang

I see decent working people getting along just fine...skin tone is no issue
Fact is we all get a kick out of each other...there is a certain charm to learning about other folks, their food, their music, their fun humor...
We greet each other with open hearts and its ALWAYS a hell of a lunch break at the office

Do you have some evidence of this because im curious what you might know that i dont

Unless you are being a funny guy in which case proceed...have fun, good evening


I've experienced racism in all three cities. Everyone I know who has lived in those cities has experienced racism. Nobody ever bothered me in the South. You and your friends live in a nice bubble, though, and I'm happy for you.


Thank you
Best wishes
