MovieChat Forums > The Great Outdoors (1988) Discussion > Why'd they stick a teenage love story be...

Why'd they stick a teenage love story between the lines?

What was the point of the teenage romance in this film? It has zero to do with the plot and is completely stupid. I really enjoyed this movie, but I always want to fastforward thru the "Buck loves Cammie" parts. Yeah, I guess they'd be cute in there own movie(maybe), but they just don't fit here. It pointlessly slows the story down.


My thoughts exactly. Almost every Hollywood movie has to have some fucking stupid love subplot whether it's warranted or not. It's beyond stale and formulaic. Not to mention the chick the son was chasing after was a complete bitch. She clearly thought she was some sort of prize! Girl, please. The minute he saw her smoking a cigarette he should've done a 180 and kept on walking! Nasty ho.


Yes agreed, it slows everything down. I guess it’s filler.


When this came out, I was a pre teen who had a bit of a crush on Chris Young. I liked the romance part of it and it was a big draw. Now that I'm an adult and not boy crazy, it really doesn't add much, but I don't hate it.


And they used the same music everytime we went back to that plotline. Terrible.


they were following the proven typical 80's formula, they did want to fill seats


I like the idea of the subplot, but it was poorly executed.


It didn't bother me. The movie is a slapstick comedy. So it shoved a little subplot in here and there? Lucy Deakins was cute. I don't mind looking at her one bit.


The pool stick scene was worth it.


Oooooooooohh yeah!

-Macho Man Randy Savage




And the way it’s edited it so awkward. Like for example: we have a scene where Buck meets Cammie and Ben is with him then in the next scene Ben is with Chet then we cut back to Buck going to talk to Cammie. Then we have Roman leaves the cabin and Buck goes looking for Cammie, then Roman comes back and Buck is at the cabin. Oh and that line about “I’ll buy you some worms” oh that was bad

I feel like they had wrapped up production then they decided at the last minute to throw the teenage love story in and they just edited it in wherever it was the least illogical

Every time we cut to them I’m just like “can we just get back to Aykroyd and Candy”, you know the two funny guys in the movie.

They should have taken those scenes out and either given us more of Akyroyd and Candy or used that time to flesh out the father son relationship with Candy and Buck
