MovieChat Forums > The Great Outdoors (1988) Discussion > Why'd they stick a teenage love story be...

Why'd they stick a teenage love story between the lines?

What was the point of the teenage romance in this film? It has zero to do with the plot and is completely stupid. I really enjoyed this movie, but I always want to fastforward thru the "Buck loves Cammie" parts. Yeah, I guess they'd be cute in there own movie(maybe), but they just don't fit here. It pointlessly slows the story down.


My thoughts exactly.


Thats what teenagers are supposed to do on summer vacation. Besides, its an 80s movie.


Definitely. The OP must have never either vacationed or isnt very adventurous. I went on many many vacations as a pre-teen and teen and I dont think I can even remember NOT meeting a girl to hang out with or talk to for the few days I was there. They however were mostly girls that were also vacationing, and not teh locals.


"Thats what teenagers are supposed to do on summer vacation. Besides, its an 80s movie."

Bingo. I'd be more surprised if this type of theme wasn't in there somewhere...


I totally agree with you on that part. Though I didn't fast forward the scenes.

I try, I fail, I give up!


Even if that's what you did on vacations, it doesn't mean the teen romance subplot works in the movie. I have the same opinion that it slowed the movie down and didn't need to be in there. Plus, we probably lost scenes with Dan Aykroyd and John Candy for the sake of seeing Buck picking up Cammie.


I think it was in there so they could include that groovy love balad with the big fat snare drum LOL..... It was a sign of the 80's, the whole teen love story thing.... pretty damn funny if you ask me :)


I always hated the teenage love story in this movie. I would cringe when I would hear that cheesy music. I hated it in '88/89 when I watched it and still hate it now.



That's how I always thought vacations were like. I mean everytime I went on vacation (when I was a kid) with two certain male cousin's they always end up finding that one certain person they fall for for that week. You never saw them that whole week.


The "romantic" subplot was there so the teens who dug this movie wouldnt get bored. Besides, thats just what alot of teenagers do when they're on vacation with their annoying(to them)families, they look for some kind of distraction or release from all the type of madess that can and will ensue during family vacations.

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."


I actually enjoyed the romance part. it was something we all can relate to and just added more to an already great movie.


I thought the teenage love plot was completely unnecessary. When Cammie acted like a b!tch, I thought some drama (like rape or abuse) would be revealed and the family might turn her frown upside down... but no. There was nothing at all interesting about it... and there wasn't even like a follow up... did they stay together when he went back home?? lol

I noticed it was directed by John Hughes... if it's the same JH, that explains it.


I've never been permitted to have a holiday romance - mainly because my family always goes to the middle of the Italian countryside, testing my sanity.


Il Duce is dead. You must be so relieved!


I watched this movie for the first time at the age of about 11 or 12, its been in my top 10 movies ever since. I now appreciate it for the subtle looks and situations that only John Candy could ever pull off and the verbal sparring between him and Roman is just immense. However.......

At the first time of seeing this film I was drawn to Slapstick of the Bat scene and the Skiing Scene AND the teenage love interest of Buck....Mainly because she was extrememly fit to a 12 year old boy. I think to look at it purely from the perspective of an adult is wrong, it covers the whole families experience of a holiday, Looking back on being a kid the young son bonding with his dad at the Beer dump (no relevance in the overall film but something i think a lot of people can relate to being dragged to something they dont want by their folks). Then as i got older teen 14-16 holiday romances do happen like in the film.

Im sure as i get older ill understand the importance as Chet trying to bond with his teenage sons when the time comes when im in that position.

Accept the movie as a whole for what it really is. Hilarious, Heartwarming and a film that can be enjoyed on all levels.




The reason is simple. John Hughes wrote the script. By this time he was famous for writing teenage romantic comedies (look at his imdb list!). Unfortunately, this romance is very one-dimensional because it's only a subplot in a larger film.

