After they killed Takagi, McClane is hiding in that room and says "Argyle tell me you heard the shots and you're calling the police right now". Huh? Why would Argyle hear that gunshot? They were on the 34th floor in a huge building. Argyle is in the underground parking garage. Even if he wasn't on the phone with the music blasting there's no way he would hear that gunshot. It's ridiculous of McClane to think he would.
Yeah, McClane would've known that Argyle liked to pump up the music, so he wouldn't have heard the shots over it. Or it's possible that McClane thought he was outside the building?
Sometimes you *hope* for a miracle to happen when you are facing a difficult situation... during that evening John wasn't really trying to be a hero convinced that he was going to take down the small army of bad guys armed with C4 and machine guns and save all the hostages by himself.
He HAD to since absolutely no one else helped him... he was all by himself... his only sort of comfort was talking with Powell who was only a voice, he did not intervene.
That's what made (to me) Die Hard so appealing it was a single guy vs a group of terrorists... and even though McClane was a cop he was not John Matrix (Commando). McClane was afraid for his life, he even asked Powell to say goodbye to Holly for him... at one point John was so tired and had lost hope in being able to make it out of this situation alive.
That's exactly it. It was just wishful thinking that he was saying to himself as he realized the gravity of his predicament. It's on the same level as a person just murmuring to themselves: come on, come on