Do you think she did it?
While I was reading the news reports, I completely believed that she was innocent. And then I found this quote that she made about Meryl Streep.
"no other actress would have been able" to play her better than Meryl Streep."!!
I know that it's not much, but I mean COME ON!!! Your daughter is taken by dingos and eaten. You get charged with the murder, go to jail, finally released and all you can think about is the fact that Meryl Streep is the only person who can play you decently in the movie about what happened!
If I were Lindy, I: would move somewhere else, change my name and try to start a new life. I wouldn't want a movie being made. It's like a constant reminder of what happened. Unless you're guilty and you can't help but feel some accomplishment because you got away with it.