MovieChat Forums > Coming to America (1988) Discussion > Eddie was forced to add a white guy to t...

Eddie was forced to add a white guy to this all black cast

Interesting. I always wondered about the single "white guy" in this movie.


Now they know how white people feel about their movies. Forced to add people of color.

Imagine writing a story about your childhood or an amazing experience.

And the story is a hit. But if you want it a movie, hollyweird says you have to make this friend black. Have your mom be a single parent. Other friend has to represent LGBTQ.

Takes away from the original great story. Louie anderson should not have been forced into this movie as well as what's being forced today.


I always thought he seemed out of place. Weird looking dude.


He was definitely out of place, looks funny. But his small part in this was hilarious.

What does he say? He will be on the fryer soon?


"Now they know how white people feel about their movies. Forced to add people of color. "

* now * they know?
this was 30 years ago , before your percieved PC injustices


Yes 30 years they made a black movie include a white character.

Today they are making white movies include a black character.

The two sides can relate.

Today is taken much further.

Blacks cannot always be the bad guy.
Need a LGBTQ character.
White man is the big bad enemy.

It just happens way more for white movies


Did you see the recent David Copperfield (Dickens) movie? They took characters who were white in Dickens' work and changed them in terms of race and sexual orientation, it was revolting.

So recently, I went back to the 1999 BBC adaptation of David Copperfield to get some good white wholeness in, and none of that diversity crap.


Lol. What ever it is just dont have an agenda and force these things. It's weird.


Well at least they admit Jake Steinfeld isn't white. It's always funny when they try to pretend like Jon Stewart.
