One of Murphy's best films
Definitely along with 48 Hours, Trading Places and Beverly Hills Cops. The best film from Murphy's 80's run. Also the one with a lot more heart to it then many remember. With Murphy at his very best, with a run of funny characters and also playing the romantic lead. It probably has some of the funniest moments from his canon.
I don't know if I say it touches the three films above, definitely think Trading Places is Murphy's funniest film. But this film for me is in his top 5 best films, haven't seen the sequel yet and with how the world is so different now I can't imagine a lot of stuff that happens in the first film will fly in todays world.
So many great moments like Randy Waston/Reverend Brown scene, Anything in the Barber shop, Cleo Mcdowell who I find funniest character the more I watch it. Soul Glow music and advert still makes me laugh (the soundtrack by Nile Rodgers is great too). I definitely think it's the best work of Arsenio Hall's career. I do think the film loses it way in the third act a bit when the romance comes more to the fore, even though I like Shari Headley as Lisa Mcdowell and also Allison Dean as the younger sister Patrice is great. I think the laughs become less and less as the ending nears.
But still one of my favourite Murphy films, and that's why I'm a little worried about watching the sequel in that it will ruin the memories of this film. Definitely John Landis last great film in his golden run as a director.