Rude to professor.

Rude to professor.

He was rude to the professor, the actor who played Bently, the Jefferson's former next-door neighbor.

The professor was not so nice about the " self-help book to get ahead " wise crack. The teacher was unprofessional.

The comment about, " can't hack it in the real world " and said he came to academia to get away from the real world was not nice either.


There's an old expression - Those who can - do. Those who can't - teach.

While certainly not applicable to everyone, there are a lot of college professors who would have had a crappy career (if at all) if they worked outside of the university.

I suspect Brian's comment was on point which is what rattled his prof.


It was also justified seeing as how pompous and insulting the professor was being.


While certainly not applicable to everyone
or anyone ?
well some i guess , but the minority not the majority.

I've never understood that phrase . It seems to be just thrown about as an insult to teachers .
There are a lot of college professors who would (and could) make far more money if they went into private industry , but they prefer the academic lifestlye, the freedom to direct their own research and persue the science more directly

and schoolteachers - well they do an essential job under difficult circumstances , at least they are definately making an invuluable and neccasasry contribution to civilisation, unlike a lot of other jobs.

people throw that "Those who can't" thing at hem cos theyre jealous of their summer holidays I reckon.


There are a lot of college professors who would (and could) make far more money if they went into private industry , but they prefer the academic lifestlye, the freedom to direct their own research and persue the science more directly

I'm not sure what "academic lifestyle" actually is, but I doubt it's worth the loss of pay. In any case, few college professors do any research - they do their jobs and that's it.

and schoolteachers - well they do an essential job under difficult circumstances , at least they are definately making an invuluable and neccasasry contribution to civilisation, unlike a lot of other jobs.

I agree. My wife retired two years ago from teaching where she started right out of college and at 26 became the department chair (special ed), and I've heard it all.
