"I didn't think anyone would hurt me. But last night, I got shot. And you know something, it hurt! It hurt like a son of a bitch it even bled!"
"Batter up!"
"What's wrong? Gun Jammed?"
After being threatened to be thrown in the fire "You stupid bitch! You filthy slut! I'll teach you to f@ck with me!"
"Give me that!" "Sure! How do you want it? Broken leg?"
"I'm gonna be 6 years old again!"
"Andy, no! We're friends til the end. Remember?" "This IS the end, friend."
"Well, John, it's been fun, but I gotta go. I have a date with a 6 year old boy. You have a date with death!"
"Hi, I'm Chucky. Wanna *voice turns into doll voice* plaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...."
"Did you miss me, Andy? I sure missed you?"
"How's it hanging, Phil?"
"Just... shut up! And drive before I kick your f@cking teeth in."
"Peek-a-boo! Please, let me out of here, Andy. It's dark in here. I promise I won't kill anyone else. Okay? Now open the goddamn door! Let me out, you little dick! Let me the f@ck out!"
"I hate kids"
"Amazing, isn't it?"
"Bang. *squirts water gun* You're dead"
"You've been very naughty, Miss Kettlewell."
"I've got you now, Andy! And you know what I'm gonna do to you? I'm gonna cut off your legs too!"
"Okay, sport. We're gonna have a little game of "Chucky Sez". Chucky sez move your ass!"
"Snap out of it! You act like you've never seen a dead body before!"
"Bitch! You hurt me!"
"I got a new game for ya, sport. It's called "Hide the Soul" and guess what? You're it!"
"Don't f@ck with the Chuck!"
"Just like the good ol' days. Nothing like a strangulation to keep the circulation going."
"You're my only ticket out of here, Andy. I gotta get out of this damn body. Where are you, ya little sh!t?"
"Chucky's gonna be a bro."
"Andy. How you've grown"
"Tampering with the mail is a federal offense"
*General is having a heart attack* "Oh, you gotta be f@cking kidding me!"
"Presto! You're dead."
"It's definitely you."
"Hi, soldier!" *gives the finger*
"Oh sure! I'll steer and you work the pedals. We're dolls, ya dope!"
"I give them six months... three if she gains weight."
"It ain't the size that counts, @sshole. It's what you do with it"
"You mean... you weren't gonna ask me to marry me?" "What are you, f@king nuts?"
"It's a long story. In fact, if you were to make a movie, it would have to take 2 or 3 sequels to do it justice."
"Hey, Raggedy Ann. Did you take a look at the mirror lately? Nows not the time to get picky."
"I'm Chucky the killer doll. And I dig it!"
*Shining reference* "I don't have anything to say. F@ck it!"
"Oops, I did it again!"