MovieChat Forums > Child's Play (1988) Discussion > Best one-liners from all Chucky movies

Best one-liners from all Chucky movies


"We're friends to the end, remember?"
"This IS the end, friend!" - 1

"Presto, you're dead!" - 3

"I dunno about you but I'm starting to feel like Pinocchio now" - Bride

"I've got a new game called 'Hide the Soul,' and guess what - you're It!" - 2

"Take it from me, plastic is no substitute for a nice hunk of wood!" - Bride

(instead of "Heeeeeeere's Chucky!") "...I can't think of anything to say..." - Seed

(after killing Britney Spears) "Oops, I did it again!" - Seed

What were your favorites?


"It hurt like a son of a bitch, it even bled."


Best Ever-


How can Batman defeat the Joker? With a handful of sleeping pills.


Steal this yourself.-Maggie
(overlooked but funny)

"Freeze,Miami Vice!"


From 3-

"Don't you know tampering with Mail is a federal Offense?" I THINK is the "exact line".

How can Batman defeat the Joker? With a handful of sleeping pills.



Who the *beep* is Martha Stewart?????????????

Heath Ledger's last performance in The Dark Knight was a little hard to swallow.



"Hi soldier HAHAHAHAHA" *middle finger* - Part 3, talking to Shelton.


This evening the moon dreams more lazily...


"Just think...Chucky's gonna be a bro" from CP3


"Don't fu*k with the Chuck."

"Amazing isn't it?"

"Ah ya stoopid bitch!"

Alright, I believe ya.
But my tommy gun don't!


"Just--shut up and drive before I kick your *beep* teeth in!"

"You God-damn woman drivers!"


CP2 - Stares at big fricking knife replacing severed hand during persuit of Andy & Kyle
"I hate kids"
(simple but classic)

The only decent parts of SOC
"Im Chucky....The killer doll....AND I DIG IT!"

After smashing in the door with an axe & peering through the hole a'la The Shinning
"I cant think of a thing to say...F__k it!" (Continues attack)



Ash is a goddamn robot.


CP2 - When Chucky is burying the other doll Tommy

Tommy: Hi my name is Tommy. Wanna Play?
Chucky: Eat dirt Tommy.

CP1 - When the doll comes to life for the first time in front of his mother
Chucky: "I'll teach you to *beep* with me!!!"

CP2 - "Play time's over"

Ash is a goddamn robot.


Don't *beep* with the Chuck.
Nothing like a good strangling to get the circulation going.


(As the officer has a heart attack) "You've gotta be *beep* kidding me" (CP3)
(The Tommy Doll repeating "I like to be hugged") "HUG THIS" (CP2)
Presto, You're Dead (CP3)
Chucky: Hi, Soldier (Flips Sheldon off)
Sheldon: *beep* Me!



CP1- "Have you seen Chucky?"
Chris Sarandon (the detective) directed that question to his partner.
His partner's response: "What?"

I've been laughing about this for 20 years.


In the original when the cop knees the peddler in the nutz he turns to the crowd with his gun drawn and yells"Anybody else wants to party too!"LOL

"I don't need no fixin',I didn't intend to have no more dummies anyway!"


I'd have to say that was my favourite too. I've only seen this movie once but it was just so funny to see these full grown adults say "the doll is alive and its killing people!" They didn't even TRY to hide the truth from them because, yeah, anyone would believe that a 6 year old's doll has the mind of a serial killer.

"If you don't like your ideas, stop having them!"


From Bride of Chucky

Tiffany: "You mean.. you weren't gonna ask me to marry you?"
Chucky: "What are you f uckin nuts." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

2008 World Champion Philadelphia Phillies


After seeing the first one, I walked around for weeks saying, "Eddie Caputo's dead. Chucky killed him." Drove my dad and friend up the wall after awhile...


The funniest line was in the first one where Chucky was in the elevator with that elderly couple. The woman says, "that's an ugly doll." Chucky replies, *beep* YOU!"

They say we need to get out and vote, huh why? Ain't nobody black runnin but !


From Bride of Chucky

"Thats okay. I'll be back. I always come back..... But dying is such a bitch."


From Bride:

"Oh, I've got an idea, I'll steer and you work the pedals. WE'RE DOLLS YOU DOPE!!!"

"It's a long story. If they ever turn it into a movie, it would take three or four sequels to do it justice."


Good stuff.


Tiffany: (in tears) It was a slip. Rome wasn't built in a day, you know. (suddenly recovering, evilly) Besides, the *beep* really had it coming!'
-Seed of Chucky

Chucky: What would Martha Stewart say?
Tiffany: I don't give a *beep* about Martha Stewart! Martha Stewart can kiss my little white plastic ass!
-Bride of Chucky

Chucky: It's not size that counts, *beep*hole, it's what you do with it!
- Bride of Chucky

Chucky: You know, tampering with the mail's a federal offense!
-Child's Play 3

Chucky: Look at him, he looks like he fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!
-Seed of Chucky

Chucky: (sweetly) Hey, Andy, it's me. Did ya miss me, I sure missed you!
-Child's Play 2

'Wendy, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just gonna bash your brains in!'


"Ahh. Just like the good ol days. Nothin like a strangulation to get the circulation going." (CP3)

Old lady- "Ugly doll."
Chucky- *beep* You." (CP1)

Sheldon- "Who is this?"
Chucky- "Just let me talk to Barkley, Jarhead." (CP3)

(Watching Andy and Kristen making out) "Man I REALLY got to get out of this body." (CP3)


"Chucky said Aunt Maggie was a real bitch and got what she deserved." - Andy, CP1

"Tif, look around you, this is nuts. And I have a VERY HIGH TOLERANCE FOR NUTS!" - Chucky, SoC


My absolute favorite Chucky quote of all time is in Bride, when Jesse proposes to Jade. They're all happy and Tiffany says something to the effect of "It's so romantic!"

Chucky responds: "Ah, I give 'em six months... three if she gains weight..."

Remember that time I ate your family?


CP: Good night, *beep*

SOC: Oops, i did it again!

CP: Wait Andy, were friends to the end, remember?

CP: Give me the boy and i will let you live!


From CP2:

Tommy: Hi, I'm Tommy and I'm your friend to the end!

Chucky: Shutup you idiot! (punches the other good guy doll)

Tommy: (on a loop) I like to be hugged, I like to be hugged, I like to be hugged

Chucky: (grabs an antique) Hug THIS!

(starts beating Tommy's face in)

Mama always said sex is like a box of chocolates, the ones with the cherries are better.


In 3... Tyler tells Chucky he doesn't wanna play "Hide the Soul" anymore.

Tyler: "I don't wanna play that stupid game anymore."

Chucky: "Don't be a drag!"


Ya goddamn women drivers-CP2


Watching Andy kiss a girl....Chucky-"Now I really got to get out of this body!"
Childs play 3

Fred-"Bubba,how much is 5 & 5?"
Fred-"Thats also your IQ!"


All of these lines are good. I loved reading the replies to this question.

One of my favorites is from the first movie. When Karen has just found batteries still in the doll's box, she checks to see if Chucky has any batteries in him. Just as she sees that his battery compartment is empty, he whips his head around and yells in the doll's voice "Hi, I'm Chucky! Wanna play!"

I've seen that movie countless times, but I still laugh when he does that.


"How's it hanging, Phil?"


Oh, man I could come up with so many especially from CP1, CP2 and Bride.


"Ugly Doll"
"**** you!"

"Batter up!"

"Ahh, steal this!"

"He said Aunt Maggie was a real ***** and got what she deserved"

"I've gotta go tinkle"

"Come on, Chucky say something!" Chucky proceeds to say one of the Good Guy lines and then Andy punches him...LMAO

"I said talk to me damnit or else I'll throw you into the fire!" The whole part after that too...haha.

"What about the rest of you? You wanna party too??"

"This is the end, friend"

"But Chucky's here, and he's going to kill me!"

"Hello, John. Over here. Hiiiiiiiii!"

"How's it hanging, Phil?"

"You've been very naughty Miss Cattlewell (I think her name is similar to that)"

"Hug THIS!"

"Egg salad...yum"

"Crazy *****!"

"Seen dolls that pee? This one bleeds"

"Now park this piece of ****!"

"Stick it up your ***!"

"This is his Uncle Charles"

"It's called Hide the Soul...and guess what? You're it!"


"'re bald!" & "'re dead!"

"This means war"

"Put Barclay on, Jarhead"

"Hi, soldier" I think he says before he gives Sheldon the finger

"Chucky's gonna be a bro" LMAO

"My, how you've grown!" after seeing Andy's magazines haha

"I said you ***hole, sir!"


"Curiosity killed the cat"

"I'll steer and you work the pedals...we're dolls you dope!!"

"Aww Chucky...she's beautiful!.....I'm sure you kids wanna be alone"

"Look at me...I'm all rubber!" "I thought you were plastic?"

"Hey Raggedy looked in the mirror lately? Now's not the time to get picky!"

" your heart out"

"It ain't the size that counts ***hole"

Seed--I have only seen it a time or two, and don't care enough about it to bother.


(in a sweet voice)
"Andy no! We're friends till the end, remember?"
"This IS the end friend."

"Hey John! Whaddya think?" (does a little pose)

"You stay here i gotta tinkle."

"Chucky is coming and he's gonna kill me!"

(Detective) "Andy, what's that on your feet?"
"Good Guy PJ sneakers."

(Andy jumps excited towards the TV)
"I all ready seen this one!"

(chucky filps some stoner off)
"Rude *beep* doll"

"Well this fella has a face only a mother could love."
"Hi. I'm Chucky and I wouldn't talk if I were you! HIDYHO <--- (i think)

that's all i can remember now

Oh God! The Gypsy said it would end this way!



CP2: "I'M GONNA GET YOU, *beep*
