"Love of the Game" is my favorite baseball BOOK - I thought it sucked as a movie; they totally ruined the book! I'm female, but I bawl my eyes out at the end of that book, while the movie just makes me roll my eyes.
Favorite of those two has to Bull Durham, mainly because of Annie - I love her philosophy where baseball is her religion. I so love her character! And I particularly adore the meetings on the mound - each time I see a real meeting, I can't help but wonder what they're discussing.
I like Field of Dreams, especially James Earl Jones, but it just seems a bit too ponderous - like a 3-hour 20-1 baseball game when your team has the one run. Bull Durham is a 2-hour 2-1 pitcher's duel with a ton of great plays behind the pitcher - one that makes you want to come back and watch another game tomorrow!