MovieChat Forums > The Brain (1988) Discussion > I live in Meadowvale.

I live in Meadowvale.

The funniest thing about this movie to me is that I actually live in Meadowvale, not a small town by the way which is what this movie makes it out to be but a part of the city of Mississauga. It is apparently filmed here too because I swear I have seen some of the houses in this movie and the high school that they show is meadowvale high school within easy walking distance of my house.
I have even seen the building they used as the Psychological Research Institute, which is actually owned by Xerox, and it makes this movie kind of funny that they use a building I see every once in a while driving by it.

Does anybody else who has seen this movie also live here?

Beware the wolf



[deleted] bout this film and now dying to see it. I too lived in Meadowvale for 15 years or so...attend MSS & I actually wokr at on office in Meadowvale still! going on the hunt for this one :P


I've lived in meadowvale forever and i couldnt beleive it when i saw it in this movie, Meadowvale high school is literally right acorss the street from my house i can see it out my window right now. I recognized that white building from across the street from the AMC theatres on winston churchill.


I know they filmed in Hamilton and Oakville as well.


my dad just put this movie on, and the first line i heard was "i didn't realize there were so many crazy people in Meadowvale" or something to that effect.

never have truer words been spoken!


thats where bloody birthday takes place to.


I went to Meadowvale High School when they filmed this (yes I am dating myself, I was in high school in 1988). We were all pretty excited, because Meadowvale in the 1980's was a souless pre-planned suburb where nothing much happened (and I imagine that is still the case). At the end of the film they show some of the generic single family dwelling homes that were an indistinguishable part of this landscape. Very souless & creepy indeed!

As a teen I would wander the vacant streets at night with my like-minded fellow band of misfit friends, and we would often fabricate stories about what sordid & ominous events were likely occurring underneath the clean and orderly surburban facade. This cheesy movie cerainly reinforced some of those fantastic stories. I think Meadowvale would be the perfect place to film a post-apocalyptic zombie film, as it certianly felt like that on a daily basis!

The "center" of the community is an artificial lake where we would create all kinds of self-induced mayhem at night. I had lots of fun in many ways, because in this type of suburb (made for cars, not people) we would be the soul inhabitants of the outdoors at night, which was rich fertile ground for the imagination to run wild. I'll have to watch this movie again in order to reacquaint myself with that landscape!


i wouldn't recommend walking around at night in meadowvale anymore.

have a look at this video to see the state of meadowvale these days:


your talking about about Lake Aquitaine Right ? or were you talking about Wabukayne (lol all the made up stories about 3 eyed fish and toxic waste dumped in there)?

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I am so glad that another comrade on the web lives in Meadowvale as i used to live there. Boy it was good fun, i remember the times when we used to walk to the garage to buy magazines. Oh the memeories, i really hope we can meet up and hopefully with some money (as i am very rich) make The brain 2:Revenge of The brain.

if u r interseted email me. i love the brain. we all do. please rememebr the brain for it is insane! HAHAHA it will oblitorate your mind!


lol, thats awesome. Make a sequel to the brain, Like a 20 years later type thing like Halloween H20. Meadowvale still somewhat looks the same as it did in the movie, especially the high school.


I work in that Xerox building. It is hilarious when they go into the building through what is in reality a solid wall.


I live in Hamilton but work in Toronto. I see the Xerox building every day and it males me snicker when I think of the movie. It's on right now and I'm watching it. My favorite part is when the car goes over the Devil's punchbowl.


I live in Meadowvale, and I went to Meadowvale and it made me so happy to go "Yeah, that's where they filmed The Brain!"

I actually live a 5 minute walk from the school.


I go to Meadowvale Secondary School NOW!! and i heard that it was in a movie i was kinda wigged cuz the first thing that came to mind was "Meadowvale? in a MOVIE?? weird" but hey i guess it could happen... i think i wanna see this movie now althought it'll be weird that what the place used to look like...


Haha I love how the school hasn't really changed.
I miss the lockers from the 70's.


I Used to live in Meadowvale Its awesome that this movie was filmed rthere

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