MovieChat Forums > Roseanne (1988) Discussion > Jackie's wedding bothered me

Jackie's wedding bothered me

It always bothered me that Jackie couldn't get her "own" wedding. Even when she was engaged to Gary, Roseanne had planned for her to get married at the house. Why couldn't she get her own venue and a nicer dress? I always felt that she deserved her own thing, let her finally have something fairytale worthy even if things went bad in Connor fashion. Did anyone else feel bad for her?


I do. Jackie's character took such a nosedive in the later seasons, I had to pity her. She went from cool and quirky, occasionally annoying, to a total nutcase who was always under Roseanne's thumb. It would have been nice to see her have a better wedding, marriage, and to cut the cord at least a little bit so she could have her own life independent of Roseanne's opinion and approval.


I think once she had Andy was when her character changed. She was a nutcase over the littlest things with him when old Jackie would have been more calm and cool.


Agreed. Jackie became over the top


Yeah, Jackie's wedding was a disappointment. It didn't have to be elaborate. But did it have to be in Roseanne's living room? lol Couldn't they have had it someplace larger? Even Leon got a fancier wedding.

I never liked that Jackie was nursing during the ceremony. Geez! What woman would do that? Pump some milk and put it in a bottle for the kid. I guess it was supposed to be funny. But I would think it was rude and tacky if I were a guest and the bride was nursing her baby in front of me during the ceremony.


Yeah very awkward and a but trashy. By that point Roseanne went that direction. I wish it could've been more elegant unless Roseanne wanted to shock the audience


Exactly, it didn't have to big and fancy but I hated that it was in the living room and she got a hideous dress suit. Baby or not, she could have worn a nice dress.
