MovieChat Forums > White Water Summer (1987) Discussion > There is sooo much wrong with this movie...

There is sooo much wrong with this movie it's not even funny

This movie is a joke. Every person involved in making this film obviously had absolutely no wilderness experience. I thought Kevin Bacon was supposed to be the guide yet he thought going down a river full of rapids with a kid and a broken leg was a good idea?? He's the GUIDE, he should have known there was a WATERFALL on the damn river. So stupid. Then the helicopter just happened to find them after their near drowning experience. Also not once in the movie did I see anyone pull out a map and compass. How would you know where you are. It didn't appear to me like they were on any marked trail. And who the hell in their right mind would go rock climbing in a pair of hiking boots. And why the hell does Kevin Bacon have 2000 carabiners. And how did Sean Asstin find them after getting out of the hanging rope obstacle. He didn't see where they went. I only caught the second half of this movie but i wish i had seen it all so i could make this post twice as long. Terrible movie.


Yes many flaws

also Vic is mentally unstable

As he is ready to throw Chris off
Ready to let Allan hang
-Look at the rope, scratche the rock, easily break.
Allan stay on island
-because it not done his way

-Let allan hang on the bridge ready to fall. Althroug suposely watching.

Ready to fight child, when begin to go home

Attack the kids when found the canoe.

Very unstable.
