Unintentionally funny stuff...
I guess it's just me but I really didn't find this movie to be all that great. It was not horrible and it could just be me who found it to be a bit much at certain times.
When Bud is being arrested...I found his cry face to be really bad and I found myself trying not to laugh. I don't really know if it was just poor acting on his part or if the whole thing just struck me the wrong way.
The other scene where I was just LOLing and thinking how hilarious it was (but not in a good way) was when the four or five people "swarm" Gekko's office to tell him off during the whole process of him getting effed over. WOW. That scene was ridiculous. I got the feeling that we were supposed to think they were totally badasses taking out the evil man but I just thought they looked like a bunch of buffoons trying to act tough.
"It's Minnie Pearl's murder weapon."