It's not the best movie ever made but certainly not the worst. I thought it was a good 7/10 overall. Why are people acting like this movie is a 3/10? I don't understand their anger towards the film.
"Having sex with a pregnant woman is like putting gas in a car you just wrecked." - Jefferson
It has nothing to do with attacking older films. The Untouchables is a mediocre movie at best, and aged much, much worse than older crime movies like The Godfather, Scarface and as far back as The Third Man... that's just to name a few, I can name dozens of other movies older and better than The Untouchables.
The Untouchables hasn't aged at all. It was objectionable to some people the day it was released for the same reasons it is objectionable to some people today. When people object to the movie, it isn't because it is dated in some way, but because they don't like de Palma's style.
A lot of posters hating the film are young or gullible people who base every film off TDK, they think that every film should resemble that one single film. If you go to other boards of older films, you will see many posters hating on them too because they're considered passe & unfashionable.
Haters & trolls usually have the loudest voices no matter where you go.
Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel
I saw SCARFACE in 1983 and in 1987 I couldn't wait to see THE UNTOUCHABLES. Then came the big let down. No real tense violent scenes like in SCARFACE. A lot of corny scenes in this movie and one of the worst performances ever on screen. I'm talking about the scene where that woman goes into Ness's office and starts crying.
I thought The Untouchables was a good movie, though I do feel it had some flaws. The entire horseback raid in Canada was a bit silly, and could have (and IMHO, should have) been cut. I also felt the morality play aspect was a little ham-fisted in places. I get that DePalma likes doing things "larger than life" sometimes. So I don't mind the fact that Connery survives a half-hour or so with several dozen .45 slugs in his body. It's akin to Tony Montana blasting away after he's been riddled with bullets (coke or not, he had a lot of lead in him!) It's not realistic, but it's in keeping with the direction DePalma wanted to go in those films. Still, there are times when I felt the film was beating me over the head with the message of "These guys over here are GOOD, and these other guys are BAD."
The entire horseback raid in Canada was a bit silly,
because making one's way over a great distance that is not paved... in the 1920's... why not use horses? A mate told me the scene with Chuck Yeager riding a horse in The Right Stuff was ridiculous too! Why, because he was a pilot and pilots only use planes?
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7/10 for me, but by far the most difficult 7 I've ever given a film. There is so much in this film that doesn't deserve that kind of praise and rating....guess I'm taken by scenes of such visceral violence, those alone are what qualify this film in my book.
Please nest your IMDB page, and respond to the correct person -
The movie is alright. However, time has not been kind to it.
The baby in the stroller stuff would never pass today. The woman couldn't make two trips or put the luggage in with the baby? That whole scene is directed sloppy and edited sloppy.
The man in the white suit climbing down the rope. How nice of him to hang in that same spot giving Ness time to think.
The guard who gets shot, and not a millisecond after hitting the floor says to Ness "Take my gun".
The movie is full of cheese and jarring edits. I can appreciate it for what it is, but there are problems.
It's not terrible, but it's not very good and certainly not something to get worked up over. Just a plain, drab Hollywood period piece with nothing interested to say, a few good set-pieces and some shiny production design. De Palma barely seems to have directed it, and Mamet's trademark eccentricities are almost impossible to detect; the whole thing feels like its interesting parts were ironed out by some focus group along the way.
Overall, a mediocre movie that unsurprisingly appeals to a wide audience precisely because it's so bland and devoid of passion, intellect or surprise. Easy one of De Palma's weakest.
I am a fan of De Palma and this is easily one of his best movies. Right up there with Carlito's Way, Casualties of War, and Blow Out. Don't tell me you prefer stuff like Dressed to Kill, Sisters, and Body Double over this excellent movie.
As it happens, I do indeed vastly prefer Dressed to Kill (an excellent thriller), Sisters (a passable thriller) and Body Double (an awesomely schlocky thriller, second only to Carlito and Blow-Out in DP's canon) over this dull, passionless and totally forgettable picture. Different stokes and all that.
"Your mental capacity isn't the only problem. You also have the sensibility of a cow on morphine."
I agree. I'd give it an 8/10. It is pretty silly but I can't really speak against it since it is based off a tv show and not the actual events that happened in real life. I just had a thought. Maybe the people hating on it don't know it's based off a tv show. "You want me to roll 6,000 of these!? What? Should I quit my job!?" George Costanza, Seinfeld
The Untouchables was hugely entertaining when it first came out, but it doesn't stand up to repeated viewings. Then the clunky dialogue and sillyness start to really stand out.
De Palma is one of my favourite directors, but this film really is too simplistic and corny to be taken seriously.
"Perhaps he's wondering why someone would SHOOT a man before throwing him out of a plane..."
might be cause the movie places far too much importance on Ness, his crack downs did little to nothing to put Capone behind bars. He didn't actually find his "book of payments" either. It takes pieces of truth and makes a drama from it.