Hardy Vs. Stef

Who's more badass as the rich, entitled jerk? Hardy from SKOW or Stef from Pretty in Pink?

I vote Stef, hands down... he was just more believable as an uppity preppy a**hole.

Keep the change, ya filthy animal.


stef. james spader was waaaay hotter than andrew mccarthy in 'pretty in pink'.. blane was just a boring loser - that's why you see so many ppl still pissed to this day that andie didn't end up with duckie..


I LOVE James Spader. Loved him in Tuff Turf. HOT!



I agree with crakker.. And also NO ONE beats Steff for me. He was soooo sexy in PiP! I actually would've understood if Andie ended up with Steff... over Blaine!

So while CG played a pretty good bad ass in SKoW I prefer Steff over everything else <3


blane was just a boring loser - that's why you see so many ppl still pissed to this day that andie didn't end up with duckie..

That's funny cause that was the original ending and the test audience didn't like that and felt she belonged to Blane. Damn that test audience.

They call me Desiree'. They call me Georgia. THATS NOT MY NAME!


They both looked too old to still be in high school,but James Spader definitely pulled off the smarmy, rich kid better than the guy who played Hardy Jenns. Hardy came off as a caricature,with his joker like smiles.


I agree with everyone else - Stef hands down. Hardy was more of a poseur while Stef really appeared to be a stuck-up, entitled jerk.

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Steff all the way.Hardy was just a sterotypical dumb bully.Steff was ultra smart in his own way and was a master manipulator to Blaine.He didnt need physical violence or threats to get his way,just mindgames.And he did it effortleslly.

Plus,Steff was WAY hotter,and Spader even gave the character some dimension and depth,which gave the character an enigmatic aura.I always felt there was more to Steff than meets the eye.Not so with Hardy.



Thanks!I have to admit I am an unabashed,unapologetic Steff fan,so I may be biased,but yeah,its obvious Steff is much more of an interesting character.I really wished they had explored him more in PIP.



Now THAT I would have loved to see.Thing is,John Hughes was too preocuppied with making the lower/middle class guy/girl the hero in his films to turn a character like Steff into an anti-hero of sorts.


i'm going to have to go against the grain.

i thought hardy was better.

steff in my opinion wasn't convincing as a popular kid. he just has a weird nose...you know the part in the center between the two nostrils. i couldn't take my eyes off it. steff reminded me of a funny looking rich poof who wasn't very athletic which to me isn't very intimidating

hardy was more classicaly good looking and looked like more of a jock. plus i heard other people say that steff had more depth...well in my opinion the bullys are better when they have less depth.

in the end hardy folded pretty easily but that just goes to show that popular kids may not be as tough as they make themselves out to be.


hardy was more classicaly good looking and looked like more of a jock. plus i heard other people say that steff had more depth...well in my opinion the bullys are better when they have less depth.

I hear what youre saying, but I guess it depends on what "badass" means to each person(the OP asked about who was more "badass",not who was the better bully,which I agree would be Hardy).To me,one is more badass when they dont need to resort to violence to get their way,but do it in subtler ways.So while I agree that in a physical fight Hardy would win hands down,Steff still does more damage than Hardy ever could.Think of The Joker in TDK,sure he´s violent, but the real danger he holds to society isnt his violence, but the phsycological warfare he inflicts on Batman and everyone else in the movie.THAT is badass,imo.


I think Stef was the better character, but then James Spader was very good at playing smarmy, self-centred pricks - no debate there! He nailed the role in Pretty in Pink and played similar roles in The Rachel Papers and Mannequin.

I also agree with Brandos Bitch, Hardy may well have nailed Keith had Duncan not showed up, whereas Duckie, despite being half Stef's size, maanged to hold his own against Stef when they brawled in Pretty in Pink. However, most people get into brawls, from time to time at least, in high school, but recover from their injuries. Psychological bullying takes far longer to recover from.

Also agree with the earlier post that in Pretty in Pink, while Blane isn't a "nasty" person like Stef, he is a crawler with nothing particularly likeable about him either, except when he sees Stef for what he is and stands up to him. Duckie was a kind-hearted, loving guy, who saw through Stef long before that and stood up to him, and defended Andie's honour against him long and supported Andie through being dumped by Blane before ever Blane reached that point, so Andie should have ended up with Duckie instead.

Perfection is boring - flaunt the imperfection!


I agree with you oddly enough because I am a huge James Spader fan. Scheffer's character just seemed more believable to me. Steff was just too too too much to be believable. Hardy seemed like the obnoxious guy that I met in high school, Steff didn't seem like someone I met, at least not in my high school.


Stef, by a mile!



Hardy Jenns with two NN's



When I read the title I thought you meant Stefen Djordjevic from "All the Right Moves". Lea Thompsons boyfriend in that movie.
