MovieChat Forums > Some Kind of Wonderful (1987) Discussion > How old were you when you first saw this...

How old were you when you first saw this movie?

This movie might be the oldest memory I have of myself watching a film on television. Since it came out in 1987, I suppose it aired on tv in 1989... which means I was 7 when I fist saw this movie. I haven't seen it ever since. But I can remember a few scenes. It's funny I was thinking about it recently, and I had no idea what was the name of this movie, but IMDb had a link on the 1980's best kiss scene, and this movie ranked No 1. That is when I recognized the picture of the actors. I'm glad I can finally put a name on this movie. I'll definitely watch it again sometime.

How old were you when you first saw it?


I was 12, loved this film and wanted to be watts LOL.
i had it on video for a while but bought it on dvd when i first got a dvd player in 1998.

Fantastic film.


i was 7, i am now 27...god i feel old

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


Saw it on my first date in 8th grade- so I was about 13...


I first saw it when I was about 14 and must have watched it about 50 times and then kind of grew up a bit, that was about 18 years ago and I've just finished watching it again after my husband bought it for me and I felt 14 all over again...sigh



Lately I been trying to catch up on 80s movies & music (doing a pretty good job...)

I saw PRETTY IN PINK (spoilers ahead) this year for my first time... spoiler: and I was crushed that ducky boy didn't end up with the lead actress in the end.

I just finished watching SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL just now... and as the story progressed I loved it as it was progressing. When I knew that the lead actor and the Amanda girl would be together as they left the jerk's party, I was happy at that moment that finally a 3-way triangle ended the way I wanted it to after getting crushed in PRETTY IN PINK. But then.... when the guy (Keith?) sees Watts and flashes back to the practice kiss.... the movie bottomed out for me.

I was pissed with the ending..... the movie is good. Don't get me wrong... but after being crushed with pretty in pink... I was pissed with this ending.

I guess I needed to vent....

I just saw this movie today (5mins ago finished) for the first time. I am 35.

The 80s passed me by as I was a future-less low life back then...


Gotta disagree with you...perfect ending. Keith had to end up with Watts, and Amanda needed to be alone for a while. The movie would have sucked had Keith ended up with Amanda, for one thing they look too much like brother and sister, and Watts? You would have had her walk home, all sad? For shame.

"I'm sorry Charlie Murphy. I was having too much fun."


Just finished watching it for the first time as part of my John Hughes marathon, I'm 36, although mentally and emotionally I suspect I'm still pretty close to those kids :o)

Have to say that I disagree with all the people who say Lea Thompson isn't beautiful, I think she is although she is no Daryl Hannah or anything. That's one of the great things about Hughes's (am I writing that correctly???)films, most of the characters look like normal people.

BTW a lot of people on this board seem so shocked that the characters can't see the friend who is really in love right in front of them. In my experience this happens all the time, has happened to me more than once, both with me missing signals and vice versa. Such is life...

Loved the ending BTW, thought it was spot on for Amanda to try independence.


I was in 8th grade. Our reading teacher took us to this movie as a field trip. This movie is aweful! My teeth still itch whenver I see it.

Remember Channon Christian & Christopher Newsom


Saw it on VHS format, 1992 or 1993. That makes me 9 or ten.


16 yrs. old; Watched it for the first time with my sister. It was on sale for like 8 bucks at Target and I bought it because it was a teen 80s movie which I love watching, but I noticed that they synopsis was very similar to Pretty In Pink. After watching it, I think that it's totally better than Pretty in Pink and is one of my favorite teen 80s movie now! ^_*


I think I was probably 14 or 15. I love this movie. Every time it comes on TV I can't resist watching it. I'm watching it right now, actually.

We die only once, and for such a long time.



I think I was 12; I know when I was a freshman in high school I asked my friend Matt to get it for me for my birthday and he had a very hard time finding it because it was so old.


I was a senior in High School. I saw at the movie theater. I went with my two best friends and we missed the beginning of it so we sat through it twice. Loved the soundtrack so much i ended up buying a flesh for lulu cassette!


i have never seen it but im getting it on dvd


I was 17 and attending an alternative high school in Toronto, I had fallen in love with a girl with a bob haircut at the age of 16 , so when I saw Mary Stuart Masterson in this movie I fell in love all over again and ever since this movie has been some sort of benchmark in my life. After buying it last year at a second hand video store I watched it again and I was transported back to the 80's. I'm here now because Anna mentioned the movie on the O.C..


15 years old.It was the 2nd movie on at Drive-in that night back in early 88,i thought this likes pretty cool.20 years later still one of my faves.


I must have been about 11 when the film first came out and I can remember REALLY wanting to see it back then. I was and still am a huge fan of 80's teen flicks, as they don't make them like that anymore. By the time SKOW came out, I was already a fan of John Hughes. I do remember not seeing it until it came out on video though. I think I was probably like 13 or something the first time I actually saw it. I really love the movie. I think it's kind of in the batch of unsung gems that weren't really that popular with audiences like Pretty in Pink or Breakfast Club were , even though it was John Hughes. I enjoyed the premise, as well as all the actors. The leads, Eric Stoltz, Mary S Masterson, Craig Sheffer and Lea Thompson all do fine jobs. Craig makes you really love to hate him. Eric is great too. I think he really masters the quiet humble outsider type guy. He's a really good actor in everything he's in. And he's been in a LOT of movies over the years. I think he's long overdue for some awards. Mary and Lea shine here as well. Just an overall great film. I think a must see for sure.


I was around 10-11 years old when I first saw SKOW. It was on BBC 1 in the UK during the summer, so this would have been either the summer of '88 or the summer of '89.

The film touched me deeply, as I could really identify with Keith so much. Being a sensitive, quiet and shy sort of soul who never had a girl and whose tastes didn't fit in with the rest of the crowd, I knew what it meant to be an outsider.

It's still one of my all time best/favourite films, and it means as much to me now as it did back then. I feel it is highly underrated as a film and is certainly one of THE best teen/John Hughes movies!

I was very, very pleased when they released the special edition DVD - something I never dreamed would happen - it just goes to show what an audience this film has built up over the years! I just wish there had been deleted scenes on there - that would have been the icing on the cake!

"Life moves pretty fast! If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!"


Get this, I was about 47 the first time, on daytime HBO couped up recovering from a January operation. I somehow missed it in the late 80's, there were alot of other good films from that era.
Even though my high school formulative years were 10 years before the movie was set and filmed, the situations were similar and still held true to the previous decade.
