I agree it's a light hearted romp. I saw this in the theaters and while it's not very good, suffering from cliche, a boys version of Working Girl... there's plenty of redeeming qualities not to mention the amazing line: "That's a Ming vase you bitch!"
I love it!
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Ahh, the proverbial "one of the worst ever movie's" thread that is on EVERY single IMDB board. As others have mentioned, if this is the worst movie you have ever seen, then you need to watch more films (online streaming should get you up to speed nicely). Also consider yourself extremely lucky.
I have seen some truly dreadful movies, but this far from the worst. That dubious distinction is reserved for "gems" with no redeeeming qualities, zero technical skills and 50 cent production values, and acting so wooden it makes your average porno seem oscar caliber by comparison. Any 1980's film starring MJF is at least watchable, and this film was a solid 6/10 for the entertainment value alone.
Honestly, I think the worst thing about this movie is Christy/Helen Slater. I don't get her character at all. She's frosty and aloof toward Brantley from the very beginning, when he hasn't done a thing to her. I also don't really get any chemistry off the two of them as a couple, although that's not for lack of trying on Fox's part. I just don't find Helen Slater to be a very good actor (have you ever seen Supergirl? Yeesh!) Still, I do enjoy the movie on the whole - it's a campy 80's comedy, and it's fun.
I agree it is awful, it wasn't great at the time it was made and has aged horribly. Slater and Fox aren't any good either, and this film isn't the only example. There was no reason for Slater to ever have a movie career and Fox never escaped variations on Alex Keaton.
It was 2nd rate when it came out but now it is embarrassing to watch. It has aged terribly and everyone involved should disavow their work in it. It was basically Alex Keaton goes to the big city.
I have to agree--I am catching this on cable right now after not having seen it since I was a kid. I remember seeing it a LOT on TV as a kid (born in 1978) and I remember liking it well enough but WOW, seeing it now...it's terrible.
I cannot believe this has a 6.4 rating here--people have got to be rating it this high due to nostalgia.
"Why couldn't the monkey arrange this from INSIDE the garbage can?"