MovieChat Forums > RoboCop (1987) Discussion > Lewis is resposinsible for Murphys death

Lewis is resposinsible for Murphys death

If they had waited 10 minutes for backup Murphy wouldn't have been killed. Going in without backup was Lewis' very dumb idea. Considering they saw on the highway that the gang outnumbered them and all had big shotguns and were psychos (the way they disposed of Bobby) any normal cop would have waited for backup. And Lewis being used to how tough the precint is, should have known better. Also, considering how many cops Boddicker had killed, you would think Lewis would have recognized him. And that she and other cops should be on the lookout for Boddicker and never face him and his gang alone.

Murphy killing Dougie and provoking Boddicker was probably a bad idea as well.

But ultimately Murphy would have survived if Lewis had bothered to think it through. And Murphy had protested, seeing who they're up against.

Also, considering how many cops Boddicker had killed, you would think Lewis would have recognized him.

When Murphy as Robocop later arrests Boddicker, the cops threatening to go on strik,e recognizes Boddicker even before Robocop reveals he's a cop killer. Boddicker had been busy that same week, mot likely being the one who killed 5 more cops. Why the sergent has to ask Robocopwhat the charge is, must be because he wants to go by the book.

I would have liked it if they had booked Boddicker and then killed him in his cell.

I also would have liked at least 10 more minutes with Murphy as a human in the movie.


Yes, Lewis could've called it off but shes a tough woman who was always in business like Murphy no matter if there was no backup or a strike.


For the 100th time (I wrote this in other threads too) there WAS backup, they just had to wait 10 minutes for it. And there was no strike yet at that point in the movie!!

Tough woman and in business is no excuse for making dumb decisions.


But if they waited for backup the film would've been over after half an hour and Murphy wouldn't have become RoboCop making the title "RoboCop" not really relevant at all.


I think the real *beep* up was deciding to split up. They should have stuck together.


Murphy left the decision to wait or not to Lewis.
"Well, you call it" remember that? He was perfectly fine with this call too, as he follows her lead without even a hint of objection.
I do find it rather amusing that you think Lewis should have been more concerned with Murphy's life than even Murphy himself.
As I stated in your other thread Murphy had to die, either by the means he did or some other, otherwise there wouldn't be much of a film here.

What did you want exactly? Did you want Murphy to live? If that's the case then I'm glad you had nothing to with this film, because there would have been no ROBO in your Robocop, instead it would probably have been Fleshycop, and they already have a television show (Cops) which is quite dull.

I do agree with you that Murphy should have had a little more time as a human, but on a whole this film (IMO) is a masterpiece.


I agree completely with you :)


They both seem to make the mutual decision to go in together, their main problem was splitting up.

Lewis is culpable only because she let her guard down and gotten taken out for such a stupid reason as looking at a guy's junk like she's never seen one before. That left Murphy on his own.

There's only one man who'd DARE give me the raspberry



An opinion is not offensive just because you do not agree with it.


You really have to rewatch the movie because you got it all wrong. The backup was Unavailable for a long time, Lewis and Murphy got anxious so instead of waiting what could possibly be for hours they went in. And we got a bad ass Robocop.


If that's the case then I'm glad you had nothing to with this film, because there would have been no ROBO in your Robocop, instead it would probably have been Fleshycop

I'm reasonably certain they made a FleshyCop, but trust me, you don't wanna know how they recreated Murphy's death scene in that one.

A journey into the realm of the obscure:


1. I totally agree about the "ten more minutes as a human" comment. That would have humanized him even more! How about he has breakfast with his family and gets one last chance to kiss his wife and hug his son not knowing it is the last day of his life as a person. We see him with them in flashbacks only.

2. Even when I was a teenager I thought they were crazy to go in there without backup. One of the problems with the original was that him ending up in that situation required him to make too many stupid mistakes. I would think the plot device artists writing the script could have come up with a way for him to get brutally murdered and mutilated but alter the circumstances some so that it happens WITHOUT him making such an awful decision. It is one of the very few things that the remake did better actually.

3. You cannot have Boddicker murdered in his cell, he was the MAIN VILLAIN of the movie (or one of them if you count Dick Jones) so that requires him to be alive until the movie is almost over.

4. Ironic that it was Lewis's fault (kind of) but she just gets beaten up they dont even rape or kill her.


"OCP runs the Cops" The 10 minute backup was probably delayed for longer or an evil lie set up by OCP. The poor decision made by Lewis to split up wouldn't have changed the outcome by much. The gang would have killed or raped Lewis and Boddicker would have shot Murphy. The gang knew there way around in the Steel Mill building better than the two officers (at least it's implied). they would have surprised Lewis and taken her hostage only to kill her and Murphy in the process. Emil could have been wasted by Lewis or Murphy but the remaining gang members would have taken control after.


It annoyed me how she got so close to Leon that he was able to knock the gun out of her hands.

Rookie mistake


OCP certainly deserves a share of the blame for his death.

As Bob says "We've restructured the police department to place prime candidates according to risk factor."

That explains Murphy's "beats me" transfer. The good people at Omni Consumer Products gave him the assignment that was most likely to get him killed just so they could use him for the prototype of their new RoboCop product in the next 90 days. Nice company! 


Watching the original trilogy for so many years now, I've always felt like Lewis feels guilty for what happened to Murphy as this movie and the subsequent movies went on.

I think she felt horrible immediately after he gets gunned down when she touches his dead body and says "Murphy" in a horrified voice. Plus, this movie and the sequels never really showed what happened during the months while OCP was turning Murphy into RoboCop. Maybe Lewis fell into depression and had interactions with Murphy's wife apologizing for his death. She seemed to know that his wife relocated and tried to start fresh somewhere else.

I too always thought it was crazy even when I saw this movie at age 8 that they went into the steel mill without back up. But as others pointed out, it's just a good plot device to make him RoboCop. What a crappy first day at the new precinct, huh?
I get it's just a movie, but you'd think Murphy still would have exercised better judgement rushing into the mill without backup when he has a wife and kid at home and he knew that Lewis and himself were outnumbered. I mean I get Lewis's determination to actively pursue Boddicker's gang since she was portrayed as a single young female cop with a "get the job done" mentality and seemed to like the action that comes with being a cop. Murphy on the other hand seemed on the fence about going into the Mill and left it up to Lewis to decide.


Ya know...what REALLY did Murphy in was her looking at the villains dick. If she would have taken him down,Murphy probably wouldn't have died.


Yeah, I always thought that scene was a little weird, but you have a valid point. I could never tell if that quick scene paints Lewis as a pervy police officer or what. It happens so fast, you don't really take the time to think about it. In reality, Lewis probably should've thrown the cuffs at him telling him to cuff himself instead of getting as close as she did to him. I guess another plot device to move the story along.
