MovieChat Forums > Prince of Darkness (1987) Discussion > I always thought the dream transmission ...

I always thought the dream transmission ...

was just a shared dream. Perhaps a prophetic one that evil is gaining power, but a dream none-the-less. Not a warning from some future scientist. It seems like there's been much discussion on this board about it coming from the future, but I don't think so. And I think Brian's dream at the end is just a nightmare - it shows him having two nightmares in a row about his dead girlfriend.

Just my two cents. I've seen this movie a million times, it's one of my favorites. I'm actually kind of surprised that other viewers have taken it to be more than a dream (not it shouldn't be open to interpretation, it's just always seemed clear to me). I mean, they're scientists trying to explain the actuality of the supernatural based on theoretical physics (both Greek to me, lol).

They're coming to get you, Barbara!


If it were presented in any other way than Carpenter elected to do so, I would agree with you about the "shared dream" theory. However, I believe that the dream is far too specific, repetitive and clear to be anything other than what it claims to be, an unconsciusly-receivable message broadcast backward through time-space via faster-than-light particle beam.

The dream was theorized in the film to be a tachyon particle transmission, which would be the only way that the physicist-types like Birack, Brian and Catherine would interpret it, so I understand your thinking that maybe their rationalization of the dream was just a coping mechanism. Father Loomis called it a "shared dream" but that's exactly how his character WOULD describe it, not scientifically but more etherically.

I think harsh critics of this film don't give the writing enough credit. There may be some technobabble from the physicists that loses some of the audience but that is just representative of the rational, logical mind's way of coping with unspeakable evil and is a foil to the supernatural, religious thinking of Loomis.



I mean, they're scientists trying to explain the actuality of the supernatural based on theoretical physics >>> If you listen to the details of the film presented in the dialogue, you'll discover that there is nothing supernatural about what is going on. Something unknown does not automatically make it supernatural. It is simply something yet to be discovered or understood at present time. According to the facts given in the film, religion is a lie and Jesus was actually an alien who banished an evil alien to another dimension. That is what is really fascinating about this plot for me. It all happened, but the activities of these advanced beings came across as supernatural by the less advanced humans of the time, resulting in the religious doctrines today that took on a life of their own as the real facts were buried in this old church and the secrets protected by this small group of priests. These ancient beings are different from us, thus they come across as monstrous and supernatural. In reality, they are life forms that adhere to the laws of physics (though laws that humans do not fully grasp yet) and who are viewed by mankind through the eyes of scary religion and myth.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Maybe the "laws of physics" is God?


Maybe the "laws of physics" is God? >>> Then God is nothing supernatural at all, but rather a misinterpretation of the the way things in the universe function.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Such a profound suggestion, yet, such poor grammar.


^ Such a useless response from a grammar Nazi who has nothing of worth to add.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Two thumbs up.
Like my Grandma used to say, "The only thing worse than bad spelling & spelling are those people that arrogantly think it's their duty to point it out in public."


grammar Nazi
Only morons use that phrase.


Grammar Cthulians?



"I mean, they're scientists trying to explain the actuality of the supernatural based on theoretical physics >>> If you listen to the details of the film presented in the dialogue, you'll discover that there is nothing supernatural about what is going on. Something unknown does not automatically make it supernatural. It is simply something yet to be discovered or understood at present time. According to the facts given in the film, religion is a lie and Jesus was actually an alien who banished an evil alien to another dimension. That is what is really fascinating about this plot for me. It all happened, but the activities of these advanced beings came across as supernatural by the less advanced humans of the time, resulting in the religious doctrines today that took on a life of their own as the real facts were buried in this old church and the secrets protected by this small group of priests. These ancient beings are different from us, thus they come across as monstrous and supernatural. In reality, they are life forms that adhere to the laws of physics (though laws that humans do not fully grasp yet) and who are viewed by mankind through the eyes of scary religion and myth."

After the book I just read...Your description of what it's all about is actually chilling. I just finished a book about the Gods (Aliens) based on channeled information of several different sources, coupled with actual archeological, and historical information. I think people who don't like this movie don't believe in things like that, or are at the very least not fascinated by them. I believe 100 years from now all of the things people have considered spiritual will simply be viewed in a similar way to Einsteins theory of "Spooky Action". Love this movie!


It tells us what it is and means in the movie.


I mean, they're scientists trying to explain the actuality of the supernatural based on theoretical physics >>> If you listen to the details of the film presented in the dialogue, you'll discover that there is nothing supernatural about what is going on. Something unknown does not automatically make it supernatural. It is simply something yet to be discovered or understood at present time. According to the facts given in the film, religion is a lie and Jesus was actually an alien who banished an evil alien to another dimension. That is what is really fascinating about this plot for me. It all happened, but the activities of these advanced beings came across as supernatural by the less advanced humans of the time, resulting in the religious doctrines today that took on a life of their own as the real facts were buried in this old church and the secrets protected by this small group of priests. These ancient beings are different from us, thus they come across as monstrous and supernatural. In reality, they are life forms that adhere to the laws of physics (though laws that humans do not fully grasp yet) and who are viewed by mankind through the eyes of scary religion and myth.

Maybe the "laws of physics" is God? >>> Then God is nothing supernatural at all, but rather a misinterpretation of the the way things in the universe function.

I view it as both. Things like "possession by the green goop called Satan" and "being sent dream-like messages from the future" can be explained by science, but some of the things that Satan did, like things like putting its hand through a mirror into another world, regenerating an arm without drawing in matter or energy from another source, and directing matter with its mind seems to be supernatural to me.

Also, it's a huge misconception that one of science's goals is to disprove the existence of the supernatural, which skeptics claim is the case. It's just that scientists haven't encountered anything supernatural yet, hence the skepticism. If scientists theoretically found explicit evidence of a magical afterlife filled with shades, demons, and spirits, and studied it, I'm pretty sure there would be some skeptics who'd claim that it's not all supernatural and that it obeys a set of physics that we don't understand yet. Either way, it'd be definitely paranormal, no matter what.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


Any technology sufficiently more advanced than the technology of the beholder will seem like magic. I think Asimov said something along those lines.

Of course what these aliens do would seem supernatural to us, because we don't understand how they do it, and they appear to be doing the impossible. They'd look even more fantastic to people who lived two millennia ago.

The god of the gaps is a hard critter to kill.


Any technology sufficiently more advanced than the technology of the beholder will seem like magic. I think Asimov said something along those lines.

Of course what these aliens do would seem supernatural to us, because we don't understand how they do it, and they appear to be doing the impossible. They'd look even more fantastic to people who lived two millennia ago.

The god of the gaps is a hard critter to kill.

Exactly. Well said.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


I never got the idea that he is alien, he is just some power unknown to us, just as god, but this being have been imprisoned a long time ago and never in the movie it is suggested he comes from space.


They specifically speak of Jesus coming to Earth to warn us. It all implies the whole ancient astronaut spin on things. They even talk about things that would seem magical to those of the past actually being explainable through science. Everything points to the fact that these are very powerful creatures, but they are not gods. They are just seen as such because of their advanced status.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


It was A. C. Clarke


A dream from the far-off year of 1999. Quickly men, we must prepare for it!



ROFL, I guess he was right haha!

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


Could there be a better reason for a remake?


About the scenery in the dream sequence...the building shown with the iron fence and the doorway that we eventually get to see a more straight-ahead angle of (with the statue) as the sequence gets repeated through the movie...I had a question about the scenery. It's about that black bush/tentacle thing in front of the fence. What is that?

It looks a little bit like black coral (if such coral even exists).

At first I kept thinking it was some kind of perhaps, fictitious, creature but eventually thought it's probably either a statue/sculpture or a plant.


.I had a question about the scenery. It's about that black bush/tentacle thing in front of the fence. What is that?

It looks a little bit like black coral (if such coral even exists).

At first I kept thinking it was some kind of perhaps, fictitious, creature but eventually thought it's probably either a statue/sculpture or a plant.

You mean the tree branch with leaves on it? Why are you trying to make an issue of a plant? A tentacle? A coral? really?

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


What? Making an issue?
I was just wondering what it was. Jeez!

I can't just ask a simple question on this website with out getting the third degree?


It is a "warning from the future", Carpenter clearly says that several times on his audio commentary (on Prince of Darkness DVD). Of course, that doesn't mean you can't have your own theory, but "future warning" is official plot element.

oh yeah, and Carpenter refers to his monster as "Anti-God", not the Devil, because during the plot they explain that everything has it's "anti-matter" or "negative mirror image", so fallowing that, the creature is Anti-God (negative mirror image of God), not Satan. I kinda like this more, because it gives the movie bit of a Lovecraftian feel to it.

btw, this is way underrated movie.


Just curious, where did you find a DVD that has an audio commentary on it? All the "Prince of Darkness" DVDs that I have bought are all bare bones. Is it a release from outside the US?


The UK release has the audio commentary.



Just curious, where did you find a DVD that has an audio commentary on it?

Scream Factory now has a nice special edition BluRay out.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


It's obv. open to interpretation, but the fact that the voice over during the dream sequence says things like "this is not a dream" and calls it a broadcast "transmitting from the year one nine nine nine" always made me believe it was a message being sent from the future to warn the characters of what would eventually happen...


how can people miss that information, yes in fact is a transmission from the future.

