Is the little girl one of Freddy's victims or does she represent Kristen?

This includes references to the following sequel. In addition to the ability to bring people into her dreams, Kristen seems to be slightly clairvoyant. She senses strange things about Freddy's house and knows when Joey is in danger. The girl who appears in the older one's sleep has the name of the killer. I wonder if Kristen is seeing a younger version of herself who is subconsciously trying to warn her about her connection to Freddy, which has begun at the start of her life. The little child is amused when asked to reveal her identity, which might mean that she doesn't need to. She reappears in part four and says that she shares a moniker with one of Kristen's best friends, who is accidentally dragged into a dream. This further suggests that the visitor is not an entity as the teenager, who is drugged in that scene, is taken in to sleep with a frantic need for the named friend. Kristen obviously carries her focus into her hypnagogic state. If the small kid is supposed to be her own person, then could she be someone whom Freddy has molested but not killed? The slasher's murder victims get trapped in his body, so the unidentified girl can't be one. She perhaps has psychic communication with Kristen.
