What is your Dream Power?
Mine would be immortality.
The fun thing about lucid dreaming, once you are able to really learn how to take advantage of it, is that your dream power can be ANYTHING. :-)
oh.....and to be married to Joey back then. Man was he a cutie ;)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt becomes the next Batman
being an all powerful vampire
Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today
After reading these replies I'm realizing that the characters' powers were really useless. They're going up against a guy who can turn people into puppets, sprout from a TV, tie you to a bed with his tongue(s), and they're going in with what? Cartwheels, pocket knives, and the ability to talk?
Reportin' live for Black TV: White folks are dead, we gettin' the f*@# outta here!
Flying and/or the ability to change into different people. This is taken from my actual dream LOL!