MovieChat Forums > The Monster Squad (1987) Discussion > Calling a 4 year old girl a bitch.

Calling a 4 year old girl a bitch.

If there was a Dracula. I dont think he would go that low.


She stood between him and his quest for world domination.He's pissed and he voiced it.The original Vlad the Impaler was far more brutal in his methods.


Well i remember other Dracula movie and for most part he was pretty polite for a blood sucker.


And I've seen other Dracula movies where he's an evil soulless monster. I'm surprised he didn't just rip her head off and take the amulet.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


In Stoker's novel, towards the end of chapter three to be exact, Dracula gives his brides a child to feed on as a treat. Calling a little girl a "bitch" actually seems to be very in character.

This mellow thighed chick just put my spine out of place!



Agreed, no way that happens if this movie was made today.



In future DVD copies let' s hope they will change it to " brat ".


In future DVD copies let' s hope they will change it to " brat ".

I sincerely hope you're joking or just forgot the word "Not."


I thought she was 5. That makes it okay.

I did sixty in five minutes once...


Definitely NO studio would do that now but damn if it doesn't show how the movies of the 80's had big BALLS! Even the PG-13 pictures of the 80's had more guts than the pictures now.


Well,the little girl stood between the Bad Old Count and his world-domination
talisman. So his frustration got translated into the non-deleted expletive.
I suggested a milder alternative only to keep in spirit with the movie.


Go watch Bambi then if you can't stand the swearing. Plus, in the movie "The Long Kiss Goodnight" the villain refers to his young daughter as a "bitch." That movie is PG-13 also. So to say that certain words used in certain situations would not be tolerated at the present time is an inaccurate statement.



Not in a modern movie, that's for sure. Everyone would be up in arms over something like that.

I think that line was hilarious.


I never understood was,

Why grab the girl and lift her up when he could have just taken the amulet from her hand.

How Hard was it for him to just grab her arm and take it? why would he have to pick her up and say "Give me the amulet you B..."
I don't care about the word being used but the scene didn't really make sense for me because he could have easily taken the amulet from her hand and he would have won. No reason to do what he did at all...

One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.


Why not? He's Dracula. Evil bloodsucking vampire.


Phoebe was using the amulet and saying the incantation to banish Dracula. From that point on, Dracula stopped seeing Phoebe as a 5 year old girl and started seeing her as a real viable threat to his existence.

Considering the actions that were taking place around him and what Phoebe was doing, Dracula did act accordingly.

The stupid ones get arrested,
The smart ones get re-elected.


Duncan Regehr once said that was the hardest scene to film. For the most part he made sure she never was scared of him because she was so young.


I think it was fine. after all, Monster Squad Dracula had enough of the crap he had deal with from the boys throughout the movie

sure it was a bit crude to call a little girl a bitch but Dracula at that point in the end of the movie he's pissed off
