Hugely underrated movie

Excuse me but this is my first ever imdb post so if its not up to scratch its because im still learning the ropes.
I watched this movie AGAIN last night, i watch it often with my best friend and brother-in-law as he is a huge fan of it too. We are both 30 and went to see it in cinema back in 1987.
I will never get tired of it and hold it in the same league as such sentimental films of mine as The Goonies, The Lost Boys, Gremlins etc.
My first point has to be Frank Langella. What a performance! From his dramatic entrance to that epic soundtrack, up to his demise, he is awesome. Truely menacing.
I find it hard putting things into words but just want to add i love this movie and would love to here from other fans.
thank you and good journey.


Langella was amazing. Given that he was playing an action figure he showed quite a performance like he was doing King Lear.
The film itself wasnt perfect but far better than carbon copies like Tranformers 2007. At least MotU had a real scriptwriter not hacks as Transformers did.

They probably should have dubbed Lundgren's lines though. His voice doesnt work well except when he says I have the power.


Langella was indeed amazing and he turned a moronic villain into a great one.

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The character Skeletor(masterly played by Frank Langella) is exactly of the mentality of a real-life dictator :

- Evil-Lyn "We win !"
- Skeletor "No, I win !"

- Evil-Lyn "I didn't ask to be sent !"
- Skeletor "Then you shouldn't have spoken !"

No wonder when things got rough for her master, Evil-Lyn didn't feel like a martyr !

And that's what happens to a dictator when he gets downed in real life.


Well I feel sorry for you! Just kidding of course...

I never even knew they made this movie until my kids got into He-Man and I was searching Amazon and this came up... I was deprived as a child.


Did your kids like it?

For my latest movie reviews and news:


Dolph Lundgren as He-Man was a great choice.



This movie had so much potential. And strangely enough - although I also was a typical 80s kid who played with the "He-Man" action figures, I also very much loved this movie - because I also was always a big movie-fan - and I did not care (or realize, when I was young) that this movie was "different" from the cartoon-show.

I mean, seriously: What did (or still do) people expect? That they make a movie, that copies that silly, plastic-toy look? Really?

The sets and costumes (and also the actors) in this movie are amazing!

Frank Langella plays so unbelievably well - just wow! Powerful acting! And also Lundgren was soo fitting for that role. He looked really good - and thanks God they did not dress him up like the action-figure - even the cape was a really good idea.

The throne-room is also really amazing - and a really timeless, great design. Sure, it is (very obviusly) enhanced with matte-paintings - but what to do?

The earth-scenes are of course a joke. They should have just done the whole movie on Eternia - or escaped to another planet - just not 1980s earth...

If they would have done that - this movie could still hold up as one of THE 80s classics (like CONAN THE BARBARIAN) - but ruining it with the 1980s USA scenes... well, what a decision...


It's a fun movie and Transformers the 2007 live action movie, could have taken some story tips from this. They got the "teenager finds magical object chased by aliens" story right--with none of that BS about maps being etched on your great grandfather's glasses.

The score is great--really boosts the epic feeling of the Eternia scenes.

Dolph Lundgren is ok but a little voice dubbing would have boosted it even more.

Sarah Douglas turned down the Evil Lyn part--the cartoon version looked a lot like her.

The film belongs to Frank Langella though--it is an incredible performance. He could have phoned it in given that he is playing a toy but he gave it his all. Skeletor, the Richard III of toy villains.


Growing up I hated he-man and GI Joe…..I couldn’t get into it…..I remember the marketing for this movie and I *beep* hated it be-cause I hated he-man so much.

As I write this, I am high. I’m flying. I didn’t know what to watch. Here it is…Netflix.……never seen the movie… is genius!

If I was to summarize it…I would explain the movie this way:
Millions of years into the future. …Animals evolved to have humanoid form. Humanity….a sacred species…..seeks to fight for its existence on biblical proportions….the kingdom of humans ….Adam….is their King Arthur / savior……King Arthur in the sense that he is looking for the cosmic key or (holy grail-1). Skeletor ….zombie king Arthur who will not rest until he has the sacred sword power of the universe….The kingdom has been engaged in sacred combat in the use of blessed swords and futuristic technology. The kingdom is fighting a conquering …rigid….self destructive entity….(skeletor//ISIS//Nazis). Even his throne has hieroglyphics…..

I heard that 2001 space odyssey is a premonition of the future………This movie is a version of a historical event that will take place a million years from now that will be recorded as biblical event….and people will watch this during the holy holiday where Charlton hest….I mean dolph lundren…vanquished ..skeletor …(or Michael the arch angel) …out of the sacred human kingdom,
