MovieChat Forums > The Lost Boys (1987) Discussion > So, uh, what was the point of Laddie?

So, uh, what was the point of Laddie?

I just don't see what the reason was to include the little boy. The girl made a big deal about him and there was even a scene with a "missing" ad of him on the milk carton. So it was quite apparent that he was kidnapped and was his character was important..

.. yet the entirety of the movie he had no scenes and was just there. Who was he?



Maybe the reason is that everyone needs a character to relate with, if your a little kid watching the movie you could see yourself as Laddie.


I think the point of the little kid being there is so that the allusion to Peter Pan can be more clear. What, with the young people joining a group where they never grow up and just have fun all the time.


Jesus, people.

The only reason Laddie was there was to show that it wasn't just Star, it wasn't just Michael.....

David and Max were building a family, what would have ultimately ended up as a tribe.

It was to show that the vampires intention was to expand, to create more.


Star was probably there to lure men, while Laddie may have been there to lure middle-aged women into thinking he's a "lost boy" (pun intended?) Case in point: Rewatch how Lucy meets Max.

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I think it was one of those things which come clear at the end, the fact that so many people had gone missing and as one of the characters said at the very beginning of the movie, Santa Carla is the murder capital of California or wherever it was.


The heroes's plans to destroy the vampires were complicated by their desire to protect Star. Star's plans to escape from vampirism - and thus the heroes's plans to destroy the vampires - were complicated by her desire to protect Laddie. Thus made the odds of success seem less good and made for greater suspense.

Laddie also showed that Star was not merely a damsel in distress but also a protector of someone else who seemed less powerful than her.

Since neither Star nor Laddie were full vampires yet the lost boys were presumably "feeding" them and thus were acting semi-paternally, which is a different angle on their personalities.

I note that Laddie wears what looks like an old fashioned military uniform jacket and thus he was probably snatched or recruited while trick or treating or while returning home from marching band practice or from a military academy.

PS Eddie Munster may have looked like he was a werewolf and/or a vampire but always acted like a nice kid who wouldn't attack anyone. The "attack of Eddie Munster" would never have happened in The Munsters. So possibly the line could that Laddie's sudden menacing attitude as an unexpected as it would be from Eddie Munster.


It seemed to me that Laddie was PROBABLY a bargaining chip to keep Star under their control - a type of leverage to maintain their hold on her and make sure she would not stray.

I'd bet that Star was sired by David first and she was on the brink of leaving and David - who seems relatively cunning - decided to create Laddie who is helpless and far too young to fend for himself, vampire or otherwise.

Michael, Star and Laddie - unlike David and the hair-bear bunch are NOT fully vampire, as they haven't fed on the blood of a human yet and therefore, their transformation is in a kind of dormant state which means it's reversible.

It's likely Star is highly aware that IF she left there would be a good chance that either Laddie would be murdered by David (to punish her) or he would feed on human blood and would be irreversibly doomed. It's likely she stays to not only care for Laddie but to prevent him from feeding (she holds him back from attacking the Frogg brothers if I recall).

So yes, a bargaining chip is likely what Laddie is. David needs Laddie to keep Star under his thumb because he knows he needs Star to use as a lure for those he deems worthy to be in his coven. David will also be aware he also needs Star to keep Michael under his thumb, so by keeping Star in check by keeping Laddie around, he'll keep Michael in check too (in theory).

We've become a race of peeping toms.
