MovieChat Forums > La Bamba (1987) Discussion > 'It's not my first, or my last' LOL

'It's not my first, or my last' LOL

Morales steals this whole movie. He's a perfect cast, and has some of the most intense scenes with Ritchie (with a T). I love this specific line though...i don't anyone who could have done it better. Hillarious!


lol, I grew up knowing a lot of guys for whom that was an apt line!


Another favorite line of mine, "Hey. HEY! My dad wasn't around when I was born, why should I be?" hmm? Bob gave the movie comic relief.
He lifts me clear to the sky, you know he taught me to fly.




Well. I guess Bob-O is funny, but he's also a sad, tragic person. He sort of represents a negative steroetype for minority males. His type are why minorities continue to live in poverty and incarceration. LOL.

We have Penitentiaries for people like Bob.


wasn't "bob-o" bob keane, ritchie's manager? also, couldn't the same be said for non-minorities?

"i like your movies man, you got a great penis"


Yes, sir. He supplied comedic relief AND dramatic effect...sometimes in the SAME scene. Stuff of Legend.

I'd like to know his inspiration for that role. What was his secret?

Love is the answer...but bring the extra clip in-case.


You are so right! Yep. Awesome.


Bob was GQ smooth.


I think what makes that scene even better is the little whiff to the shot glass before he tosses it back. The line is said with such a callous edge that you could really feel it cutting Rosie. But then the sauve sniff of the booze...priceless.

I still use that line (usually) when referring to a food item that someone thinks is disgusting.

"If I had ya where I wanted ya, they'd be pumpin your ass full of formaldehyde!"


He's so smug and arrogant you really want Rosie to beat the living crap out of him! But Esai played that role so well...too well! ;)




Esai Morales was great as Bob. I saw pics of the real Bob as an older man, but I would like to know how he looked at a young age. I wonder if he looked like morales? If so, ummm. Esai was HOT. They portrayed him to be a really bad boy, but hot, and girls will put up with a lot of cr*p if a guy is hot and a bad boy!


My favorite Bob line is: "Valenzuela was our dad's name. You can't just cut it in half!"


That line is brilliant and the way he says "...or my last!" is hilarious and a little crazy. Oddly enough, it doesn't make the scene any less of a serious part of the movie because it really was such a terrible thing to say to Rosie.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!
